Riemenschneider, Tilman

Riemenschneider, Tilman
born с 1460, Heilgenstadt or Osterode, Domain of the Teutonic Order
died July 7, 1531, Würzburg

German sculptor.

Son of a mint master, he settled in Würzburg in 1483 and opened a highly successful workshop. He was a city councillor (150420) and burgomaster (152025), but his sympathies with the revolutionaries in the Peasants' War led to a brief imprisonment. His wood and stone sculpture, characterized by sharply folded, flowing drapery, included monumental tombs and altarpieces as well as independent statues and reliefs, and made him one of the major masters of late Gothic art in Germany.

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German sculptor
born c. 1460, , Heilgenstadt or Osterode, Domain of the Teutonic Order [Germany]
died July 7, 1531, Würzburg

      master sculptor whose wood portrait carvings and statues made him one of the major artists of the late Gothic period in Germany; he was known as the leader of the Lower Franconia school.

      Riemenschneider was the son of the mint master of Würzburg, and the younger Riemenschneider opened a highly successful workshop there in 1483. As a civic leader he was councillor (150420) and burgomaster (152025). During the Peasants' Revolt (1525), he sympathized with the revolutionaries and was imprisoned for a short time, during which he temporarily lost his civic responsibilities and patrons.

      His first documented work was the altar for the Münnerstadt parish church (149092), which was later dismantled. He had a continuous flow of commissions; his major work, theAltar of the Virgin” (c. 150510) in Herrgotts Church at Creglingen, is a wood altar, 32 feet (10 m) high, depicting the life of Mary. Riemenschneider employed numerous assistants on the massive monument, but he executed the dominant life-size figures himself. Other major works areAdam and Eve,” stone figures from the Würzburg Lady Chapel; theAltar of the Holy Blood” (150105), in St. Jakob, Rothenburg; and theTomb of Henry II and Kunigunde” (14991513), in Bamberg Cathedral.

      Although wood was his major medium, he also created pieces in marble, limestone, and alabaster. The sharply folded, flowing drapery on Riemenschneider's figures make his work easily identifiable. His later years in Kitzingen were spent restoring altarpieces and carving.

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