Rexroth, Kenneth

Rexroth, Kenneth
born Dec. 22, 1905, South Bend, Ind., U.S.
died June 6, 1982, Santa Barbara, Calif.

U.S. painter, essayist, poet, and translator.

The largely self-educated Rexroth spent much of his youth traveling in the West, organizing and speaking for unions. His early poems were experimental, influenced by Surrealism; his later work was praised for its tight form and its wit and humanistic passion. He was an early champion of the Beat movement. His works include essays in Assays (1962) and With Eye and Ear (1970); and many translations of Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Latin, and Spanish poetry.

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American poet and painter
born December 22, 1905, South Bend, Indiana, U.S.
died June 6, 1982, Santa Barbara, California

      American painter, essayist, poet, and translator, an early champion of the Beat movement.

      Largely self-educated, Rexroth spent much of his youth traveling in the western United States, organizing and speaking for unions. His early poetry was experimental, influenced by Surrealism; his later work was praised for its tight form and its wit and humanistic passion. His Complete Collected Longer Poems appeared in 1962 and Complete Collected Shorter Poems in 1966. New Poems was published in 1974. His essays include Bird in the Bush (1959), Assays (1962), The Alternative Society (1970), With Eye and Ear (1970), and American Poetry in the Twentieth Century (1971). He was also a prolific translator of Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Latin, and Spanish poetry. An Autobiographical Novel was published in 1966.

Additional Reading
The standard biography is Linda Hamalian, A Life of Kenneth Rexroth (1991). Critical works include Ken Knabb, The Relevance of Rexroth (1990); Lee Bartlett, Kenneth Rexroth (1988); and Morgan Gibson, Revolutionary Rexroth, Poet of East-West Wisdom (1986).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Rexroth, Kenneth — (22 dic. 1905, South Bend, Ind., EE.UU.–6 jun. 1982, Santa Barbara, Cal.). Pintor, ensayista, poeta y traductor estadounidense. Rexroth, autodidacta de formación pasó gran parte de su juventud viajando por el oeste de los EE.UU., y trabajando… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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