Remak, Robert

Remak, Robert
born July 26, 1815, Posen, Prussia
died Aug. 29, 1865, Kissingen, Bavaria

German embryologist and neurologist.

He discovered and named the three germ layers of cells that develop in the early embryo: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. He also discovered Remak fibres (nerve fibres with no myelin sheath) and Remak ganglia (neurons in the heart) and was a pioneer in electrotherapy for nervous diseases. He achieved enough eminence to obtain a lectureship at the University of Berlin despite Prussian laws barring Jews from teaching.

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German scientist
born July 26, 1815, Posen, Prussia [now Poznań, Pol.]
died Aug. 29, 1865, Kissingen, Bavaria [Germany]

      German embryologist and neurologist who discovered and named (1842) the three germ layers of the early embryo: the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. He also discovered nonmedullated nerve fibres (1838) and the nerve cells in the heart (1844) called Remak's ganglia, and he was a pioneer in the use of electrotherapy for the treatment of nervous diseases.

      Remak studied under the eminent physiologist Johannes Müller at the University of Berlin and earned his M.D. degree (1838) with an important dissertation on the fine structure of nerve tissue. Barred from teaching by Prussian law, which closed that profession to Jews, he continued his research as an unpaid assistant in Müller's laboratory and supported himself by his medical practice. In 1843 Remak petitioned directly to Friedrich Wilhelm IV for a teaching position, but he was refused. That November he entered the laboratory of Johann Lukas Schönlein at the Charité Hospital, Berlin, where he continued his research on nerve tissue and also began his investigations into the role of the germ layers in the development of tissues and organs. In 1847, having by then acquired considerable eminence, Remak finally obtained a lectureship at the University of Berlin, becoming the first Jew to teach there. He was promoted to assistant professor in 1859 in belated, though quite inadequate, recognition of his extraordinary body of neurological and embryological research.

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