Propertius, Sextus

Propertius, Sextus
born 55/43, Assisi, Umbria
died after 16 BC, Rome

Roman poet.

Very few details of his life are known. The first and best known of his four books of elegies (see elegy), Cynthia, was published in 29 BC, the year he met its heroine (his mistress, whose real name was Hostia). She emerges from his poems as beautiful, uninhibited, jealous, and irresistible. In Book II his main theme is still love, but he also contemplates writing an epic, is preoccupied with thoughts of death, and attacks the materialism of his time. Books III and IV demonstrate a bold command of language and various literary forms; among the subjects are Roman mythology and history.

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Roman poet
born 55, –43 BC, Assisi, Umbria [Italy]
died after 16, BC, Rome

      greatest elegiac poet of ancient Rome. The first of his four books of elegies (elegy), published in 29 BC, is called Cynthia after its heroine (his mistress, whose real name was Hostia); it gained him entry into the literary circle centring on Maecenas.

      Very few details of the life of Sextus Propertius are known. His father died when he was still a boy, but he was given a good education by his mother. Part of the family estate was confiscated (c. 40 BC) to satisfy the resettlement needs of the veteran troops of Octavian, later the emperor Augustus, after the civil wars. Propertius' income was thus severely diminished, though he was never really poor. With his mother, he left Umbria for Rome, and there (c. 34 BC) he assumed the dress of manhood. Some of his friends were poets (including Ovid and Bassus), and he had no interest in politics, the law, or army life. His first love affair was with an older woman, Lycinna, but this was only a passing fancy when set beside his subsequent serious attachment to the famousCynthiaof his poems.

      The first of Propertius' four books of elegies (the second of which is divided by some editors into two) was published in 29 BC, the year in which he first metCynthia,” its heroine. It was known as the Cynthia and also as the Monobiblos because it was for a long time afterward sold separately from his other three books. Complete editions of all four books were also available. Cynthia seems to have had an immediate success, for the influential literary patron Maecenas (Maecenas, Gaius) invited Propertius to his house, where he doubtless met the other prominent literary figures who formed Maecenas' circle. These included the poets Virgil (whom Propertius admired) and Horace (whom he never mentions). The influence of both, especially that of Horace in Book III, is manifest in his work.

      Cynthia's real name, according to the 2nd-century writer Apuleius, was Hostia. It is often said that she was a courtesan, but elegy 16 in Book I seems to suggest that she belonged to a distinguished family. It is likely that she was married, though Propertius only mentions her other lovers, never her husband. From the poems she emerges as beautiful, passionate, and uninhibited. She was intensely jealous of Propertius' own infidelities and is painted as a woman terrible in her fury, irresistible in her gentler moods. Propertius makes it clear that, even when seeking pleasures apart from his mistress, he still loved her deeply, returning to her full of remorse, and happy when she reasserted her dominion over him.

      After many violent scenes, it appears that Propertius finally broke off his tempestuous affair with her in 24 BC, though inferring dates from the poems' internal evidence cannot be undertaken with real confidence, as this kind of personal poetry often interweaves fact with fancy. He was to look back on his liaison with her as a period of disgrace and humiliation. This may be more than a mere literary pose, although after Cynthia's death (she does not seem to have lived for long after their break) he regretted the brusqueness of their separation and was ashamed that he had not even attended her funeral. In a most beautiful and moving elegy (IV:7), he conjures up her ghost and with it re-creates the whole glamour and shabbiness of the affair. While he makes no attempt to brush over the disagreeable side of her nature, he also makes it clear that he loves her beyond the grave.

      Propertius' poetic powers matured with experience. The poetry of Book II is far more ambitious in scope than that of Book I and shows a richer orchestration. His reputation grew, and the emperor Augustus himself seems to have taken notice of him, for, in Books III and IV, the poet laments the premature death of Marcellus, Augustus' nephew and heir apparent (III:18), and he composed a magnificent funeral elegy (IV:11) in praise of Cornelia, Augustus' stepdaughtertheQueen of Elegiesas it is sometimes called.

      As his poetic powers developed, so also did Propertius' character and interests. In his earliest elegies, love is not only his main theme but is almost his religion and philosophy. It is still the principal theme of Book II, but he now seems a little embarrassed by the popular success of Book I and is anxious not to be thought of simply as a gifted scoundrel who is constantly in love and can write of nothing else. In Book II he considers writing an epic, is preoccupied with the thought of death, and attacks (in the manner of later satirists, such as Juvenal) the coarse materialism of his time. He still loves to go to parties and feels perfectly at ease in the big city with its crowded streets, its temples, theatres, and porticoes, and its disreputable quarters. In a way, he is a conservative snob, in general sympathy with Roman imperialism and Augustan rule; but he is open to the beauties of nature and is genuinely interested in works of art. Though he disapproves of ostentatious luxury, he also appreciates contemporary fashions.

      Some of his contemporaries accused him of leading a life of idleness and complained that he contributed nothing to society. But Propertius felt it his duty to support the right of the artist to lead his own life, and he demanded that poetry, and art in general, should not be regarded simply as a civilized way of passing the time. In elegy 3 of Book III he gives deep meaning to the process of artistic creation and emphasizes the importance of the creative artist.

      In Books III and IV Propertius demonstrates his command over various literary forms, including the diatribe and the hymn. Many of his poems show the influence of such Alexandrian poets as Callimachus and Philetas. Propertius acknowledges this debt, and his claim to be theRoman Callimachus,” treating Italian themes in the baroque Alexandrian manner, is perhaps best shown in a series of elegies in Book IV that deal with aspects of Roman mythology and history and were to inspire Ovid to write his Fasti, a calendar of the Roman religious year. These poems are a compromise between the elegy and the epic. Book IV also contains some grotesque, realistic pieces, two unusual funeral elegies, and a poetic letter.

      Two of the lasting merits of Propertius seem to have impressed the ancients themselves. The first they called blanditia, a vague but expressive word by which they meant softness of outline, warmth of colouring, a fine and almost voluptuous feeling for beauty of every kind, and a pleading and melancholy tenderness; this is most obvious in his descriptive passages and in his portrayal of emotion. His second and even more remarkable quality is poetic facundia, or command of striking and appropriate language. Not only is his vocabulary extensive but his employment of it is extraordinarily bold and unconventional: poetic and colloquial Latinity alternate abruptly, and in his quest for the striking expression he frequently seems to strain the language to the breaking point.

      Propertius' handling of the elegiac couplet, and particularly of the pentameter, deserves especial recognition. It is vigorous, varied, and picturesque. In the matter of the rhythms, caesuras, and elisions that it allows, the metrical treatment is more severe than that of Catullus but noticeably freer than that of Ovid, to whose stricter usage, however, Propertius increasingly tended (particularly in his preference for a disyllabic word at the end of the pentameter). An elaborate symmetry is observable in the construction of many of his elegies, and this has tempted critics to divide a number of them into strophes.

      As Propertius had borrowed from his predecessors, so his successors, Ovid above all, borrowed from him; and graffiti on the walls of Pompeii attest his popularity in the 1st century AD. In the European Middle Ages he was virtually forgotten, and since the Renaissance he has been studied by professional scholars more than he has been enjoyed by the general public. To the modern reader acquainted with the psychological discoveries of the 20th century, the self-revelations of his passionate, fitful, brooding spirit are of peculiar interest.

      Almost nothing is known about Propertius' life after his love affair with Cynthia was over. It is possible that he married her successor in his affections (perhaps in order to qualify for the financial benefits offered to married men by the leges Juliae of 18 BC) and had a child, for an inscription in Assisi and two passages in the letters of the younger Pliny (AD 61/62c. 113) indicate that Propertius had a descendant called Gaius Passennus Paulus Propertius, who was also a poet. During his later years he lived in an elegant residential area in Rome on the Esquiline Hill. The date of his death is not certain, though he was still alive in 16 BC, for two events of that year are mentioned in his fourth book, which was perhaps edited posthumously.

Georg Hans Luck

Additional Reading
Georg Luck, The Latin Love Elegy, 2nd ed. (1969, reprinted 1979), has two chapters on Propertius, the man and the artist, and a bibliographic survey of contemporary research. J.P. Sullivan, Propertius: A Critical Introduction (1976), analyzes the poet and reviews his relations to the poets and literary politics of his time. Margaret Hubbard, Propertius (1974), offers a concise general analysis of the poet's work. Hellenistic tradition in Propertius is examined in Theodore D. Papanghelis, Propertius: A Hellenistic Poet on Love and Death (1987). Hans-Peter Stahl, Propertius:LoveandWar: Individual and State Under Augustus (1985), explores the thematic background of the poetry.

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