Popol Vuh

Popol Vuh
Mayan document that provides valuable information on ancient Maya mythology and culture.

It was written between 1554 and 1558 in the Quiche language using Spanish letters. It tells of the creation of man, the acts of the gods, and the origin and history of the Quiche people and also gives a chronology of their kings. The book was discovered early in the 18th century by Francisco Jiménez, a parish priest in the Guatemalan highlands, who copied out the original, now lost, and translated it into Spanish.

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Mayan document
      Maya document, an invaluable source of knowledge of ancient Mayan mythology and culture. Written in Quiché (a Guatemalan Mayan language) with Spanish letters by a Mayan author or authors between 1554 and 1558, it chronicles the creation of man, the actions of the gods, the origin and history of the Quiché people, and the chronology of their kings down to 1550.

      The original book was discovered at the beginning of the 18th century by Francisco Jiménez (or Ximénez), parish priest of Chichicastenango in highland Guatemala. He both copied the original Quiché text (now lost) and translated it into Spanish. His work is now in the Newberry Library, Chicago.

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