Peel, Sir Robert, 2nd Baronet

Peel, Sir Robert, 2nd Baronet
born Feb. 5, 1788, Bury, Lancashire, Eng.
died July 2, 1850, London

British prime minister (183435, 184146) and principal founder of the Conservative Party.

A member of Parliament from 1809, Peel served as chief secretary for Ireland (181218) and resisted efforts to admit Catholics to Parliament. As home secretary (182227, 182830), he reorganized England's criminal code. He established London's first disciplined police force, whose members were nicknamed after him "bobbies" or "peelers." After a brief first term as prime minister, Peel led the newly formed Conservative Party to a strong victory in the 1841 elections and became prime minister again. He imposed an income tax, reorganized the Bank of England, and initiated reforms in Ireland. Favouring reduced tariffs on imports, he repealed the Corn Laws, which caused his government to fall, but he continued to support free-trade principles in Parliament. He was the chief architect of the mid-Victorian age of stability and prosperity that he did not live to see.

Sir Robert Peel, detail of an oil painting by John Linnell, 1838; in the National Portrait Gallery, ...

Courtesy of The National Portrait Gallery, London

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prime minister of United Kingdom
born February 5, 1788, Bury, Lancashire, England
died July 2, 1850, London
 British prime minister (183435, 184146) and founder of the Conservative Party. Peel was responsible for the repeal (1846) of the Corn Laws (Corn Law) that had restricted imports.

Early political career
      He was the eldest son of a wealthy cotton manufacturer, Robert Peel (17501830), who was made a baronet by William Pitt the Younger (Pitt, William, The Younger). The younger Robert was educated at Harrow and at Oxford, and, with his father's money, a parliamentary seat was found for him as soon as he came of age, in 1809.

      As an able government supporter, Peel received appointment as undersecretary for war and colonies in 1810. Two years later he accepted the difficult post of chief secretary for Ireland. There he made his reputation as a skilled and incorruptible administrator, and, at the end of his Irish secretaryship, he was marked out for early promotion. He had also distinguished himself as the ablest of theProtestantparty that resisted the admittance of Roman Catholics to Parliament, and in 1817 he gained the coveted honour of election as member of Parliament for the University of Oxford. Though declining immediate office after his return from Ireland, he was made chairman, in 1819, of the important currency commission that brought about a return to the gold standard.

      In the 1822 ministerial reconstruction pursued by Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd earl of Liverpool (Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, Baron Hawkesbury Of Hawkesbury), Peel accepted the post of secretary of state for the home department and a seat in the cabinet. His first task was to meet the long-standing demands in Parliament for a radical reform of the criminal laws (criminal law). He then proceeded to a comprehensive reorganization of the criminal code. Between 1825 and 1830 he effected its fundamental consolidation and reform, covering three-quarters of all criminal offenses. Rising crime statistics convinced him that legal reform should be accompanied by improved methods of crime prevention. In 1829 he carried through the Metropolitan Police Act, which set up the first disciplined police force for the Greater London area. As a result of Peel's efforts, the London police force became known as Bobby's boys and later simply as bobbies.

      When George Canning (Canning, George) succeeded Liverpool as prime minister in 1827, Peel resigned on the issue of Roman Catholic Emancipation. He returned to office under Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington (Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of, marquess of Douro, marquess of Wellington, earl of Wellington, Viscount Wellington of Talavera and of Wellington, Baron Douro or Wellesley), early in 1828 as home secretary and leader of the House of Commons. Differences with Wellington led to the resignation of several followers of Canning after only four months in office, which thus considerably weakened the government. This was followed by the Catholic crisis of 182829 that grew out of the renewal of the Irish movement for emancipation in 1823 with the formation of the Catholic Association. Its growing strength culminated in the victory of Daniel O'Connell (O'Connell, Daniel), the IrishLiberator,” at a by-election for County Clare in 1828. Convinced that further resistance was useless, Peel proffered his resignation and urged the prime minister to make a final settlement of the Catholic question. Faced with severe opposition from the king and the Anglican church, Wellington persuaded Peel in 1829 to remain in office and assist in carrying through the policy of concession to the Catholics on which they now both agreed. Peel was bitterly attacked for his sudden change of heart and lost his seat for Oxford. Wellington's declaration against parliamentary reform in November 1830 finally brought about the fall of his weak and unpopular government.

Prime minister and Conservative leader
      In the reform crisis following Wellington's fall, Peel's position was difficult and ambiguous. Though not opposed to moderate parliamentary reform, he was shocked by the sweeping measure introduced by the ministry of Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey (Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd Earl), in March 1831. But, on the other hand, he made no effort to conciliate the ultra-Tories, and his refusal to form a new ministry with Wellington and pass a Tory reform bill in 1832 further weakened his standing with his former followers. Yet he was already looking to the growth of conservative opinion in the country, and his moderation in the first reformed Parliament (183334) did much to restore his political stature. The premature dismissal of the ministry of William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, in November 1834 and Peel's appointment as prime minister gave him an impossible task because he did not possess, and the Conservative Party lacked the organization and men necessary to procure, a majority in the House of Commons (even though the general election of 1835 added considerably to their numbers). Nevertheless, his Tamworth Manifesto was an epoch-making statement of the new Conservative (conservatism) reform principles, and for the first time the party came under his acknowledged leadership. In April 1835, defeated by a combination of Whigs, radicals, and Irish nationalists, he resigned his office. During the next six years, aided by his astute and cautious tactics, the Conservative Party steadily increased in numbers and confidence. Following the general election of 1841, in which he gained a majority of more than 70 in the House of Commons, Peel formed an administration that was one of the most memorable of the century.

      Peel was faced with war in China and Afghanistan, strained relations with France and the United States, severe commercial distress at home, agitation by the workingmen's reform movement of the Chartists (Chartism) and the Anti-Corn Law League, O'Connell's campaign for the repeal of the union of Ireland and Great Britain, and a five-year accumulation of budgetary deficits. His policy aimed at peace and security abroad, a reduction in the cost of living for the working classes, and encouragement to trade and industry. On the controversial issue of the Corn Laws (Corn Law), to which the landed interest in his party was very sensitive, he brought forward as one of his first measures a new bill drastically reducing the scale of protective duties. In the same year, the bold reintroduction of the income tax (personal income tax) (originally instituted during the Napoleonic Wars) established internal revenue on a sound footing and enabled him to make sweeping reductions of duties on food and raw materials entering the country. The Bank Charter Act of 1844, establishing a tight connection between note issue and gold reserves, completed the foundations of the Victorian banking and currency system. The success of these measures encouraged Peel to launch a second great free-trade budget in 1845. The income tax was renewed, and there was another, even more massive round of tariff reductions.

      With the return of prosperity, Chartism died down, and the Anti-Corn Law League turned to more constitutional methods of agitation. Abroad, a firm but conciliatory policy led to better relations with France. The boundary disputes with the United States were settled by the mission of Alexander Baring, 1st Baron Ashburton, in 1842 and the Oregon treaty of 1846. The same combination of firmness and conciliation was followed in Ireland. Once the threatening campaign for repeal of the union had been brought to a halt in 1843 with O'Connell's trial for conspiracy, Peel turned to more constructive measures. A commission was set up to inquire into the relations between landlord and tenant, and a wide scheme for Irish university education was passed into law in 1845.

      The liberality of Peel's Irish policy, especially the greatly increased grant to the Catholic seminary of Maynooth, aroused strong Protestant feeling in England, severely straining relations with his own party. The potato disease in 1845, bringing with it the certainty of widespread famine in Ireland, completed the breach. Peel had already come to the conviction that the Corn Laws would have to be abolished sooner or later. His decision in the autumn of 1845 that a relief program for Ireland had to be accompanied by the repeal of the Corn Laws split his Cabinet and led to his resignation. But, when Lord John Russell (Russell, John Scott) failed to form a free-trade ministry in December 1845, Peel returned to office. After savage parliamentary debates the repeal of the Corn Laws was finally carried through in June 1846. Peel believed that the attempt to preserve the Corn Laws in the changed social and political conditions of Britain would imperil the rule of the aristocracy. Nevertheless, a majority of his party voted against him, and a smaller number joined the opposition to bring about his defeat and resignation later the same month. For the rest of his career he dedicated himself to the support of free-trade principles and the maintenance of Russell's Whig ministry as the only safeguard against a protectionist government. He died in 1850 as a result of a riding accident.

      A proud, shy person, Peel was by nature quick-tempered, courageous, stubborn, and often autocratic. With a first-class intellect, an exact memory, and great capacity for work, he was a superb administrator and an outstanding parliamentary debater. Though he has an unchallenged place as founder of the modern Conservative Party, his political outlook was formed in the pre-reform era. He regarded ministers of the crown as servants of the state rather than as mouthpieces for sectional or party views. By insisting on fundamental changes in the national interest, he did much to preserve the continuity of aristocratic parliamentary government in an age of rapid industrial change, social distress, and class conflict. More than any other, he was the architect of the mid-Victorian age of stability and prosperity that he did not live to see. Though he founded the Conservative Party, Peel took the lead in developing a whole series of liberal measures in government, measures that characterized Liberal as well as Conservative politics in the 19th century. He thus served to develop a governmental liberalism that unified much of the outlook of party politicians, who were otherwise divided on political lines.

Norman Gash Ed.

Additional Reading
C.S. Parker (ed.), Sir Robert Peel from His Private Correspondence, 3 vol. (189199), essential documentary material; Lord Mahon and E. Cardwell (eds.), Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 2 vol. (185657), Peel's own account of the three political crises of his career; George Peel (ed.), The Private Letters of Sir Robert Peel (1920), revealing letters to his wife; Norman Gash, Mr. Secretary Peel: The Life of Sir Robert Peel to 1830 (1961), and Sir Robert Peel (1972), a full-length biography based on original sources; and Douglas Hurd, Robert Peel: A Biography (2007).

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