
or Patarene

Member of a group of craftsmen, tradesmen, and peasants, as well as some members of the clergy, that appeared in Milan с 1058 to call for reform of the church.

Named for the Pataria, the ragpickers' quarter of Milan where they assembled, the Patarines attacked simony and clerical concubinage and marriage and opposed the clergy's moral corruption. They also encouraged greater participation by the laity in religious life and drew support from the Gregorian Reform popes, including Alexander II and Gregory VII. The Patarines formed part of the broader movement for church reform in the 11th century, and the resignation of their rival, the archbishop of Milan, led to a schism in the city that would help bring about the Investiture Controversy. In the later 12th century, the name Patarine was used as a general label for all heretics, particularly the Cathari.

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medieval reform group
also spelled  Patarene , Italian  Patarino , plural  Patarini 

      member of a medieval group of lay craftsmen, tradesmen, and peasants organized in Milan about 1058 to oppose clerical concubinage and marriage; the group later widened its attack to oppose generally the papacy's moral corruption and temporal powers. The Patarine movement was so called because, under the leadership of Arialdus (Arialdo), a deacon of Milan, its members used to assemble in the Pataria, or ragmen's quarter of the city (pates being a dialectal word forrag”). Viewed by the church as heretical, the Patarines, though short-lived in terms of organized activities, became an impetus for a large number of religious-reform movements that arose during the decline of the feudal system and the beginnings of the aspirations to power of the peasant and middle classes.

      In the 13th century the name was appropriated by the Cathari, who said it came from pati (“to suffer”), because they endured hardship for their faith.

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Universalium. 2010.

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