Paraguaná Peninsula

Paraguaná Peninsula
Peninsula, northwestern Venezuela.

Situated between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Venezuela, it has a low elevation, infertile soil, and a sparse population. It became important in the 1950s and '60s with the development of the petroleum industry. Pipelines lead from the oil fields to the large refineries on the western side of the peninsula, which is accessible to deep-draft tankers.

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Spanish  Península de Paraguaná  

      peninsula in Falcón estado (state), northwestern Venezuela. It lies between the Caribbean Sea on the east and the Gulf of Venezuela on the west. The largest peninsula in Venezuela, it is about 40 miles (60 km) from north to south and has about 200 miles (300 km) of coastline. During the colonial period it was a haven for pirates and smugglers. The peninsula sits at a low elevation and has infertile soil and insufficient fresh water; it is sparsely populated. Goats are raised, providing milk, cheese, and meat. Goatskins are exported, as is fertilizer made from goat excrement. The peninsula's beautiful beaches are favoured by Venezuelan tourists.

      The development of the petroleum industry, especially in the 1950s and '60s, gave Paraguaná great economic importance. Pipelines lead from the oil fields at Lake Maracaibo to the large oil refineries at Amuay and Punta Cardón on the western side of the peninsula, where coastal indentations permit easy access by deep-draft tankers. In the 1960s Punto Fijo emerged as the peninsula's major urban centre. Coro, the state capital, lies at the base of the isthmus linking the peninsula to the mainland and is connected by highways with the oil-refining centres of the peninsula and with Venezuela's principal highland cities.

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Universalium. 2010.

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