Pachelbel, Johann

Pachelbel, Johann
(baptized Sept. 1, 1653, Nürnberg
died March 3, 1706, Nürnberg) German composer and organist.

Conservative musically, he was friendly with Dietrich Buxtehude and was the teacher of Johann Christoph Bach, who later gave lessons to his younger brother Johann Sebastian Bach. Though he wrote a huge amount of music, of which his organ chorale variations and Magnificat settings are especially remarkable, he is principally known today for a single piece, the extremely popular Canon in D Major, which he may not have written.

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German composer
baptized September 1, 1653, Nürnberg
died March 3, 1706, Nürnberg

      German composer known for his works for organ and one of the great organ masters of the generation before J.S. Bach.

      Pachelbel studied music at Altdorf and Regensburg and held posts as organist in Vienna, Stuttgart, and other cities. In 1695 he was appointed organist at the St. Sebalduskirche in Nürnberg, where he remained until his death. He also taught organ, and one of his pupils was Johann Christoph Bach, who in turn gave his younger brother Johann Sebastian Bach (Bach, Johann Sebastian) his first formal keyboard lessons.

      All Pachelbel's work is in a contrapuntally simple style. His organ compositions show a knowledge of Italian forms derived from Frescobaldi through J.J. Froberger. Of special importance are his chorale preludes (chorale prelude), which did much to establish the chorale melodies of Protestant northern Germany in the more lyrical musical atmosphere of the Catholic south. His popular Canon in D Major was written for three violins and continuo and was followed by a gigue in the same key. His son, Wilhelm Hieronymous Pachelbel, was also an organist and composer.

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