Orcagna, Andrea

Orcagna, Andrea
orig. Andrea di Cione

born с 1308, Florence?, Republic of Florence
died с 1368, Florence

Florentine painter, sculptor, and architect.

A goldsmith's son, he was the leading member of a family of painters and the most prominent Florentine artist of the mid 14th century. His altarpiece for the Strozzi Chapel in Florence's Santa Maria Novella (135457) shows his ability to unify the multiple panels of a polyptych. As a sculptor he is known for a single work: the tabernacle in the guild oratory of Or San Michele (135260), a decorative structure of great complexity that is among the finest examples of the expressive art that sprang up in Tuscany after the Black Death. He was employed as architect on Florence's Duomo (cathedral) in 1357 and 136467.

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Italian painter
original name  Andrea di Cione  
born c. 1308
died c. 1368

      the most prominent Florentine painter, sculptor, and architect of the mid-14th century.

 The son of a goldsmith, Orcagna was the leading member of a family of painters, which included three younger brothers: Nardo (died 1365/66), Matteo, and Jacopo (died after 1398) di Cione. He matriculated in the Arte dei Medici e degli Speziali in 134344 and was admitted to the guild of stonemasons in 1352. In 1354 he contracted to paint an altarpiece for the Strozzi Chapel in the left transept of Sta. Maria Novella, in Florence. This polyptych (signed and dated 1357) shows that the forceful handling of the figures is strongly individual, as is the attempt to treat the panels of the polyptych as a unitary scheme. The surviving section of a fresco of the Triumph of Death in Sta. Croce has also been ascribed to Orcagna. In September 1367 he received the commission from the Arte del Cambio for an altarpiece of the patron of the guild, St. Matthew, with four scenes from his life. In August 1368 the execution of this picture (now in the Uffizi, Florence) was taken over by Jacopo di Cione on account of the illness of his brother. Orcagna is assumed to have died in this year.

      As a sculptor, Orcagna is known through a single work, the tabernacle in the guild oratory of Or San Michele, of which he became superintending architect by 1356. This is a decorative structure of great complexity, supported on four octagonal piers and heavily encrusted with coloured inlay. Its principal sculptural features are, on the front and sides, a number of hexagonal reliefs with scenes from the life of the Virgin, and, at the back, a large relief of the Dormition and Assumption of the Virgin, signed and dated 1359. The large relief is among the most notable surviving examples of the expressive art that sprang up in Tuscany after the Black Death. There are marked differences of quality in the figurated parts of the tabernacle, and some of these may be due to Orcagna's brother Matteo.

      It is known that Orcagna was employed as architect in the Duomo in Florence in 1357 and 136467. In 1358 he became architect of the cathedral at Orvieto, where he was engaged in 135960 with his brother Matteo in supervising the mosaic decoration of the facade.

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