Nootka Sound Controversy

Nootka Sound Controversy
(1790) Dispute between Spain and Britain over ship seizures off the western Canadian coast.

Spain seized four British trading ships in Nootka Sound, an inlet of Vancouver Island, Can., in accordance with Spanish claims to the northwestern coast of America. Britain threatened war, maintaining that sovereignty necessitated actual occupation of the land. Spain yielded to British demands and signed an agreement acknowledging the right of each country to trade and establish settlements on unoccupied land.

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Canadian history
      (1790), dispute over the seizure of vessels at Nootka Sound, an inlet on the western coast of Vancouver Island, that nearly caused a war between Great Britain and Spain. Its settlement ended the Spanish claim to a monopoly of trade and settlement on the western coast of North America and made possible the eventual expansion of the Canadian provinces to the Pacific.

      The dispute arose as a result of the seizure by the Spaniards in 1789 of four British trading vessels owned by Captain John Meares and his associates. In April 1790, Meares appealed to the British government for redress, and a major dispute quickly developed with Spain. The Spaniards claimed possession of the whole northwestern coast of America on the basis of a papal grant of 1493, confirmed when their explorers had formally taken possession of the area. Great Britain, however, contended that rights of sovereignty could be established only by actual occupation of the land.

      The British threatened war over the Nootka Sound incident, but because of Spain's military weakness and because of Prussian diplomatic support on behalf of Great Britain, Spain yielded to the British demands in the Nootka Sound Convention, signed on Oct. 28, 1790. The convention acknowledged that each nation was free to navigate and fish in the Pacific and to trade and establish settlements on unoccupied land.

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