Nicolls, Richard

Nicolls, Richard
born 1624, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, Eng.
died May 28, 1672, in the North Sea, off Suffolk, Eng.

English colonial governor of New York.

In 1664 he forcibly seized the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam and renamed the province and its main city for his patron, the duke of York. He thereby became the first governor of the English colony of New York. An efficient administrator, he issued the colony's first legal code in 1665. He returned to England in 1668 and resumed his duties as gentleman of the bedchamber to the duke.

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English governor
born 1624, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, Eng.
died May 28, 1672, in the North Sea, off Suffolk, Eng.

      the first English governor of the province of New York in the American colonies.

      The son of a barrister, Nicolls was a stalwart Royalist who served in the army during the English Civil Wars and followed the Stuarts into exile, where he entered the service of James, Duke of York (James II). Upon the Restoration of Charles II, Nicolls was appointed gentleman of the bedchamber to the duke. In 1664 Charles II decided to seize the Dutch colony of New Netherland (now New York state) and confer some of its lands on his brother, the Duke of York. Nicolls was appointed by the Duke of York to be the governor of this prospective territory. Accordingly, in May of that year Nicolls sailed with a squadron of four vessels and a force of troops and blockaded the chief city of New Netherland, New Amsterdam (now New York City). In September 1664 the Dutch officials in New Amsterdam surrendered peacefully to the generous terms Nicolls had set, and he began organizing an English administration of the province. Nicolls renamed both the province and its chief city New York in honour of his patron, the duke, and he also gave the present-day city of Albany its name. Nicolls achieved the transition from Dutch to English rule tactfully and gradually, and his subsequent government of New York was so efficient and fair that he earned the general esteem of both its Dutch and English colonists. In 1665 he issuedthe Duke's Laws,” which served as the first legal code of New York and remained in force until 1683.

      Nicolls resigned the governorship in 1668 and returned to England, where he resumed his post as gentleman of the bedchamber to the Duke of York. Upon the outbreak of the Dutch War (or Third Anglo-Dutch War) in 1672, Nicolls volunteered to fight and was killed in the naval battle of Solebay.

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