Neusiedler Lake

Neusiedler Lake
Hungarian Fertő-

Lake, eastern Austria and northwestern Hungary.

The shallow lake was formerly entirely within Hungary, but in 1922 the northern two-thirds were transferred to Austria. Formed during the Pleistocene Epoch, it is Austria's lowest point, 377 ft (115 m) above sea level. Heavy reed growth along its shores supports many species of birds, which are protected by an international sanctuary and a biological station.

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German  Neusiedlersee,  Hungarian  Fertő-,  
 lake in Burgenland (eastern Austria) and northwestern Hungary, named from the Austrian town of Neusiedl and the Hungarian word forswamp lake.” Formed several million years ago during the Pleistocene Epoch, probably as a result of tectonic subsidence, it is Austria's lowest point (377 feet [115 m] above sea level). The lake is 22 miles (36 km) long and 49 miles (614 km) wide. Neusiedler Lake is fed by a small stream and probably by underground sources and is slightly saline with no natural outflow. It is very shallow (rarely more than 46 feet deep) and fluctuates in level and size (135 square miles [350 square km]) with climatic variations. A canal (built 187395) connects it to the Rabnitz (Hungarian: Répce) River, which is a tributary of the Danube. A heavy reed growth along the lake's shores supports many species of rare and migratory birds, which are protected by an international sanctuary and a biological station. The lake provides raw materials for the cellulose industry and serves as a recreation area for nearby Vienna. Major lakeside towns are Neusiedl, Podersdorf, and the wine centre of Rust.

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