Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Neue Zürcher Zeitung
(German; "New Zürich Newspaper")

Daily newspaper published in Zürich, Switz.

, generally considered one of the world's great newspapers. Founded as the weekly Zürcher Zeitung in 1780, it took its present name in 1821. In 1868 it became a joint-stock company, with shares held by Zürich citizens. Two daily editions were published by 1869, and three by 1894. From its founding it has appealed to readers interested in deep coverage of international news. Austere in demeanour, it is characterized by careful, nonsensational reporting, highly informed and extremely thorough analysis, and background information supplied as context for every major story.

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GermanNew Zürich Newspaper”, abbreviation  NZZ 

      Swiss daily newspaper published in Zürich and generally considered one of the world's great newspapers.

      It was founded as a weekly, the Zürcher Zeitung, in 1780. Reorganized in 1821, the paper became the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and appeared twice weekly. By 1869the year after the paper became a joint stock company with shares held by Zürich citizensthere were two daily editions, and in 1894 there were three daily editions.

      NZZ is tabloid in size but not in demeanour. Its gray visage is one of the most austere in the world. The paper is characterized by careful, nonsensational, thoughtful reporting; by highly informed and extremely thorough analysis; and by background information that is supplied as a context for every important story. The large proportion of space that NZZ devotes to international news is remarkable by any other paper's standards. It maintains a correspondent, and sometimes twoan economist and a political observerin more than 30 major world cities. Since its founding, NZZ has appealed to intellectuals, government officials, business and political leaders, and others interested in deep coverage of significant world developments.

      To ensure accuracy and to maintain an objective distance from its subjects, the paper has sometimes withheld its coverage of major events until they could be reported dispassionately. On the other hand, NZZ never hesitated to present the facts when they were assembledit was banned by the Nazi Party in Germany from 1934 onward for reporting that Hermann Göring, and not the Communists, had been responsible for the Reichstag fire. Since 1945, during the Cold War years and after, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung has won wide acclaim for its balanced news coverage. Its regular readers are numerous in every important world capital, from the Kremlin to the White House.

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Universalium. 2010.

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