Moses, Grandma

Moses, Grandma
orig. Anna Mary Robertson

born Sept. 7, 1860, Greenwich, N.Y., U.S.
died Dec. 13, 1961, Hoosick Falls, N.Y.

U.S. painter.

She began to produce embroidery pictures after her husband died in 1927. When arthritis impaired her embroidering, she turned to painting. She had her first exhibition in a drugstore in 1938 at age 78. She went on to produce more than 1,000 nostalgic, naively executed scenes of turn-of-the-century rural life (e.g., Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey, Over the River to Grandma's House). By 1939 her pictures were being exhibited internationally, and from 1946 they were regularly reproduced on holiday greeting cards.

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American artist
byname of  Anna Mary Robertson Moses , original name  Anna Mary Robertson 
born September 7, 1860, Greenwich, New York, U.S.
died December 13, 1961, Hoosick Falls

      American folk painter who was internationally popular for her naive (naïve art) documentation of rural life in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

      Anna Robertson had only sporadic periods of schooling during her childhood. At age 12 she left her parents' farm and worked as a hired girl until she married Thomas Moses in 1887. They first farmed in the Shenandoah Valley near Staunton, Virginia, and in 1905 moved to a farm at Eagle Bridge, New York, near her birthplace. Thomas died in 1927, and Anna continued to farm with the help of her youngest son until advancing age forced her to retire to a daughter's home in 1936.

      As a child the artist had drawn pictures and coloured them with the juice of berries and grapes. After her husband died she created worsted-embroidery pictures, and, when her arthritis made manipulating a needle too difficult, she turned to painting. At first she copied illustrated postcards and Currier & Ives (Currier & Ives) prints, but gradually she began to re-create scenes from her childhood, as in Apple Pickers (c. 1940), Sugaring-Off in the Maple Orchard (1940), Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey (1943), and Over the River to Grandma's House (c. 1944). Her early paintings were given away or sold for small sums. In 1939 Louis Caldor, an engineer and art collector, was impressed when he saw several of her paintings hanging in a drugstore window in Hoosick Falls, New York. He drove to her farm and bought her remaining stock of 15 paintings. In October of that year three of those paintings were exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in a show titledContemporary, Unknown Painters.”

 From the beginning Grandma Moses's work received favourable criticism. In October 1940 a one-woman show of 35 paintings was held at Galerie St. Etienne in New York. Thereafter her paintings were shown throughout the United States and Europe in some 150 solo shows and 100 group exhibits. Throughout her lifetime Grandma Moses produced about 2,000 paintings, most of them on masonite board. Her naive (naïve art) style (labeledAmerican Primitiveby art historians) was acclaimed for its purity of colour, its attention to detail, and its vigour. Her other notable paintings include Black Horses (1942), Out for the Christmas Trees (1946), The Old Oaken Bucket (1946), From My Window (1949), and Making Apple Butter (1958). From 1946 her paintings were often reproduced in prints and on Christmas cards. Her autobiography, My Life's History, was published in 1952.

Additional Reading
Otto Kallir, Grandma Moses (1973); Jane Kallir, Grandma Moses: The Artist Behind the Myth (1982, reissued 1989), and Grandma Moses: 25 Masterworks (1997); William C. Ketchum, Jr., Grandma Moses: An American Original (1996).

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