Moses, Edwin

Moses, Edwin
born Aug. 31, 1955, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.

U.S. track-and-field athlete.

He went to Morehouse College on an academic scholarship but starred in track. He won the gold medal for the 400-m hurdle in the 1976 and 1984 Olympics and set four successive world records in the event between 1976 and 1983.

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American athlete
born August 31, 1955, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.
 American hurdler who dominated the 400-metre hurdles (hurdling) event for a decade, winning gold medals in the race at the 1976 and 1984 Olympic Games.

      Moses competed in cross-country, track, and gridiron football in high school and studied physics at Morehouse College (B.S., 1978) in Atlanta, Georgia. There he first ran the 400-metre race and the 120-yard high hurdles but began running the 400-metre hurdles in 1976.

      In the 1976 Olympic Games at Montreal, Moses won the gold medal and set his first world record of 47.64 sec. He proceeded to set successive world records for the 400-metre hurdles of 47.45 sec (1977), 47.13 sec (1980), and 47.02 sec (1983), the last of which stood for nine years. Moses defended his Olympic title at the 1984 Games in Los Angeles. His swiftest Olympic time, 47.56 sec, earned him a bronze medal at the 1988 Games in Seoul, South Korea. In one of the sport's best-known winning streaks, Moses was unbeaten in the 400-metre hurdles from 1977 until 1987, with victories in more than 100 consecutive finals.

      Moses briefly shifted his competitive focus to bobsledding in the early 1990s, competing at a world-class level. Active in sports administration from the mid-1980s, he helped design a new drug testing program and was named president of the International Amateur Athletic Association in 1997. He received a master's degree from Pepperdine University in 1994. Also that year he was inducted into the U.S. National Track & Field Hall of Fame.

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