Moore, Thomas

Moore, Thomas
born May 28, 1779, Dublin, Ire.
died Feb. 25, 1852, Wiltshire, Eng.

Irish poet, satirist, composer, and singer.

Moore graduated from Trinity College and studied law in London, where he became a close friend of Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley. His collections Irish Melodies and National Airs (180734) consist of 130 original poems set to folk melodies, including "The Minstrel Boy," "Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young Charms," and "The Last Rose of Summer." Performed by Moore for London's aristocracy, they aroused sympathy and support for Irish nationalists. His reputation among his contemporaries rivaled that of Byron and Walter Scott. His poem Lalla Rookh (1817), a romantic Oriental fantasy, became the most translated poem of its time. In 1824 he was entrusted with Byron's memoirs; he burned them, presumably to protect Byron. He later published biographies of Byron and others, as well as a History of Ireland (1827).

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Irish author and composer
born May 28, 1779, Dublin, Ire.
died Feb. 25, 1852, Wiltshire, Eng.
 Irish poet, satirist, composer, and political propagandist. He was a close friend of Lord Byron (Byron, George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron) and Percy Bysshe Shelley (Shelley, Percy Bysshe).

  The son of a Roman Catholic wine merchant, Moore graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1799 and then studied law in London. His major poetic work, Irish Melodies (180734), earned him an income of £500 annually for a quarter of a century. It contained such titles as "The Last Rose of Summer" and "Oft in the Stilly Night." The Melodies, a group of 130 poems set to the music of Moore and of Sir John Stevenson and performed for London's aristocracy, aroused sympathy and support for the Irish nationalists, among whom Moore was a popular hero.

 Lalla Rookh (1817), a narrative poem set (on Byron's advice) in an atmosphere of Oriental splendour, gave Moore a reputation among his contemporaries rivaling that of Byron and Sir Walter Scott (Scott, Sir Walter, 1st Baronet). It was perhaps the most translated poem of its time, and it earned what was till then the highest price paid by an English publisher for a poem3,000). Moore's many satirical works, such as The Fudge Family in Paris (1818), portray the politics and manners of the Regency period.

      In 1824 Moore became a participant in one of the most celebrated episodes of the Romantic period. He was the recipient of Byron's memoirs, but he and the publisher John Murray burned them, presumably to protect Byron. Moore later brought out the Letters and Journals of Lord Byron (1830), in which he included a life of the poet. Moore's lifelong espousal of the Catholic cause led him to produce such brilliant works as his parody of agrarian insurgency, The Memoirs of Captain Rock (1824), and his courageous biography of the revolutionary leader of the 1798 rebellion, The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald (1831).

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