Montale, Eugenio

Montale, Eugenio
born Oct. 12, 1896, Genoa, Italy
died Sept. 12, 1981, Milan

Italian poet, prose writer, editor, and translator.

Montale began his literary activities after World War I, cofounding a journal, writing for other journals, and serving as a library director in Florence. His first book of poems, Cuttlefish Bones (1925), expressed the bitter pessimism of the postwar period. He was identified with Hermeticism in the 1930s and '40s, and his works became progressively introverted and obscure. With The Storm and Other Poems (1956) his writing showed the increasing skill, warmth, and directness characteristic of his late period. His stories and sketches were collected in The Butterfly of Dinard (1956). He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1975.

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Italian author
born October 12, 1896, Genoa, Italy
died September 12, 1981, Milan
 Italian poet, prose writer, editor, and translator who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1975.

      As a young man, Montale trained as an opera singer. He was drafted to serve in World War I, and, when the war was over, he resumed his music studies. Increasingly he became involved in literary activity. He was cofounder in 1922 of Primo tempo (“First Time”), a literary journal; worked for the publisher Bemporad (192728); served as director of the Gabinetto Vieusseux Library in Florence (192938); was a freelance translator and poetry critic for La fiera letteraria (193848; “The Literary Fair”); and in 1948 became literary editor and later music editor for the Milan daily newspaper Corriere della Sera (“Evening Courier”).

      Montale's first book of poems, Ossi di seppia (1925; “Cuttlefish Bones”), expressed the bitter pessimism of the postwar period. In this book he used the symbols of the desolate and rocky Ligurian coast to express his feelings. A tragic vision of the world as a dry, barren, hostile wilderness not unlike T.S. Eliot (Eliot, T.S.)'s The Waste Land inspired Montale's best early poems.

      The works that followed Ossi di seppia included La casa dei doganieri e altre poesie (1932; “The House of the Customs Officer and Other Poems”), Le occasioni (1939; “The Occasions”), and Finisterre (1943; “Land's End”), which critics found progressively more introverted and obscure. Montale's later works, beginning with La bufera e altro (1956; The Storm, and Other Poems), were written with increasing skill and a personal warmth that his earlier works had lacked. His other collections of poems include Satura (1962), Accordi e pastelli (1962; “Harmony and Pastels”), Il colpevole (1966), and Xenia (1966), the last work a gentle and evocative series of love poems in memory of his wife, who died in 1963. Diario del '71 e del '72 was published in 1973. Montale published three volumes of collected Poesie in 1948, 1949, and 1957.

      Montale was considered in the 1930s and '40s to be a Hermetic (Hermeticism) poet. Along with Giuseppe Ungaretti (Ungaretti, Giuseppe) and Salvatore Quasimodo (Quasimodo, Salvatore), he was influenced by French Symbolists (Symbolist movement) such as Stéphane Mallarmé (Mallarmé, Stéphane), Arthur Rimbaud (Rimbaud, Arthur), and Paul Valéry (Valéry, Paul) and sought to convey experiences through the emotional suggestiveness of words and a symbolism of purely subjective meaning. In his later poetry, however, Montale often expressed his thoughts in more direct and simple language. He won many literary prizes and much critical acclaim. In 1999 a volume of Montale's work entitled Collected Poems: 19201954, translated by Jonathan Galassi, was published; in addition to its English translations it offers helpful annotations, a chronology, and an essay on the poet.

      Montale also rendered into Italian the poetry of William Shakespeare (Shakespeare, William), T.S. Eliot, and Gerard Manley Hopkins (Hopkins, Gerard Manley), as well as prose works by Herman Melville (Melville, Herman), Eugene O'Neill (O'Neill, Eugene), and other writers. His newspaper stories and sketches were published in La farfalla di Dinard (1956; The Butterfly of Dinard).

Additional Reading
Jared Becker, Eugenio Montale (1986), introduces Montale's life and works. Critical studies include G. Singh, Eugenio Montale (1973); Rebecca J. West, Eugenio Montale: Poet on the Edge (1981); and Glauco Cambon, Eugenio Montale's Poetry: A Dream in Reason's Presence (1982).

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