Monnet, Jean

Monnet, Jean
born Nov. 9, 1888, Cognac, France
died March 16, 1979, Houjarray

French economist and diplomat.

He managed his family's brandy business before becoming a partner of an investment bank (1925). In World War II he chaired a Franco-British economic committee and proposed a Franco-British union. In 1947 he created and directed the successful Monnet Plan to rebuild and modernize France's economy. In 1950, with Robert Schuman, he proposed the plan for the European Coal and Steel Community, predecessor of the European Economic Community and the European Union, and served as its first president (195255). He was also the founder and president of the action committee for the United States of Europe (195575).

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French politician

born Nov. 9, 1888, Cognac, Fr.
died March 16, 1979, Houjarray
 French political economist and diplomat who, after World War II, initiated comprehensive economic planning in western Europe. In France he was responsible for the successful plan designed to rebuild and modernize that nation's crumbled economy.

      During World War I Monnet was the French representative on the Inter-Allied Maritime Commission, and after the war he was deputy secretary-general of the League of Nations (191923). Then, after reorganizing his family's brandy business, he became the European partner of a New York investment bank in 1925.

      At the start of World War II he was made chairman of the Franco-British Economic Co-ordination Committee. In June 1940 it was he who suggested a Franco-British union to Winston Churchill. After the Franco-German armistice he left for Washington, D.C., and in 1943 he was sent to Algiers to work with the Free French administration there.

      After the liberation of France, Monnet headed a government committee to prepare a comprehensive plan for the reconstruction and modernization of the French economy. On Jan. 11, 1947, the Monnet Plan was adopted by the French government, and Monnet himself was appointed commissioner-general of the National Planning Board. In May 1950 he and Robert Schuman, then the French foreign minister, proposed the establishment of a common European market for coal and steel by countries willing to delegate their powers over these industries to an independent authority. Six countriesFrance, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourgsigned the treaty in 1951 that set up the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). From 1952 to 1955 Monnet served as the first president of the ECSC's High Authority. The ECSC inspired the creation of the European Economic Community, or Common Market, in 1957.

      In 1955 Monnet organized the Action Committee for the United States of Europe and served as its president from 1956 to 1975. In 1976 the heads of the nine Common Market governments named Monnet a Citizen of Europe. In the same year, he published his Mémoires (Memoirs, 1978).

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