Monde, Le

Monde, Le
(French; "The World")

Daily newspaper published in Paris, one of the most important and widely respected newspapers in the world.

It was established in 1944, just after the German army left the city, as an independent organ free of government or private subsidies. Covering national and world news in depth from the start, it soon earned a reputation for accuracy and independence. Its writers present their own views, with the result that the paper reveals no consistent ideological outlook, causing it to earn both praise and criticism from every part of the French political spectrum.

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French newspaper
      (French:The World”), daily newspaper published in Paris, one of the most important and widely respected newspapers in the world.

      The newspaper was established in 1944as soon as the German army had quit Paris but while World War II continuedon orders of the new government of General Charles de Gaulle as a means of providing a respected voice for France. It was printed on the presses of the defunct Le Temps, and a prewar correspondent of that paper, Hubert Beuve-Méry, was appointed its editor and director. He insisted on, and was granted, the right to operate Le Monde as an independent organ, with no government or private subsidies and with the right to formulate its own editorial policies. By the end of its first year Le Monde's accuracy and independence were widely noted and it had attained a circulation in excess of 150,000 copies.

      From its start, Le Monde has covered national and world news in depth and analyzed it closely. Its writers have the freedom to present their own views, with the result that Le Monde reveals no unified policies or consistent ideological outlook. Its independence, which never wavered from its founding, despite early and grave financial worries, has brought it denunciation at one time or another from every part of the French political spectrum.

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  • MONDE — Le terme de monde est utilisé dans des contextes très divers pour indiquer, d’une manière ou de l’autre, une totalité d’appartenance. Ainsi on parle du «monde grec» ou du «monde de la Renaissance», pour désigner des ensembles culturels… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • monde — 1. (mon d ) s. m. 1°   Tout ce que nous apercevons d espace, de corps et d êtres, ainsi dénommé à cause de l arrangement et de la régularité qui y règnent. La création du monde. Plusieurs philosophes ont cru que le monde est éternel. •   Tout ce… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • MONDE (LE) — MONDE LE Le seul journal quotidien de la presse française qui fasse figure d’institution nationale et dont l’audience internationale se compare à celle des «grands» anglo saxons (quotidiens comme le New York Times ou le The Times de Londres, ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • monde — Monde, m. pen. Le ciel, et tout le contenu en iceluy, Mundus, Orbis. Au milieu du monde la terre est située, In medio mundo terra sita est. La description du monde, Cosmographia. Tout le monde est comme une ville, de laquelle tous les hommes sont …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Monde — is a Communications Consultancy Agency located in Latvia s capital, Riga. It has been founded in the November 2004, being led by Ilze Lapiņa and Dace Skadiņa.The main services Monde offers are: * Complicated crisis management * Media relations… …   Wikipedia

  • Monde — (m[^o]Nd), n. [F. See {Mundane}.] The world; a globe as an ensign of royalty. [R.] A. Drummond. [1913 Webster] {Le beau monde} [F.], fashionable society. See {Beau monde}. {Demi monde}. See {Demimonde}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mondé — mondé, ée (mon dé, dée) part. passé de monder. Sené mondé. Certaines dragées fines contiennent des amandes mondées.    Prendre de l orge mondé, boire de l eau dans laquelle on a fait bouillir de l orge mondé …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • mondé — Mondé, [mond]ée. part. De l orge mondé. de la casse mondée. prendre un orge mondé C est de l eau boüillie avec de l orge mondé …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Monde, Le —   [lə mɔ̃d], französische Tageszeitung in Paris, gegründet 1944 und bis 1969 geleitet von Hubert Beuve Méry (* 1902, ✝ 1989), verkaufte Auflage (2001): 359 000 Exemplare. Im gleichen Verlag, an dem seit 1951 Redakteure als Mitgesellschafter zu 49 …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Monde — «MONDE» («Мир») французский еженедельник, начал издаваться в июне 1928 в Париже под общей редакцией А. Барбюса (см.), при ближайшем участии А. Эйнштейна, М. Горького, Э. Синклера, М. Угарта, М. де Унамуно, М. Мерхердта, Л. Верта. Задача «М.» была …   Литературная энциклопедия

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