Mollet, Guy

Mollet, Guy
born Dec. 31, 1905, Flers-de-l'Orne, France
died Oct. 3, 1975, Paris

French politician.

An English teacher in Arras, he joined the Socialist Party in 1921 and became head of the socialist teachers' union in 1939. After serving in World War II, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies and became secretary-general of the Socialist Party (194669). With Pierre Mendès-France, he led the Republican Front to victory and became premier (195657). Failures in dealing with the Algerian rebellion and the Suez Crisis led to the government's defeat, but Mollet continued to serve as a deputy and as mayor of Arras.


Harlingue-H. Roger-Viollet

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premier of France
born Dec. 31, 1905, Flers-de-l'Orne, France
died Oct. 3, 1975, Paris
 Socialist politician who served as premier of France from January 1956 to May 1957. His premiership failed to deal successfully with the pressing issue of the day, the Algerian rebellion.

      A teacher of English at the Arras lycée, Mollet joined the Socialist Party in 1921. In 1939 he was elected secretary-general of the Teaching Federation, a Socialist teachers' trade union. He was captured by the Germans in 1940 during World War II, and after his release in 1942 he joined the Résistance. At war's end in 1945 he became mayor of Arras and was elected to the Chamber of Deputies from the Pas-de-Calais. As secretary-general of the Socialist Party from 1946 to 1969, Mollet resisted all moves for an electoral alliance of the Socialists with the French Communist Party. From July 1950 to July 1951 he served as minister of state, dealing with the Council of Europe. With Pierre Mendès-France he led the centre-left Republican Front to victory in the election of 1956 and, in that year, became premier.

      As premier, Mollet was responsible for sending French conscripts to fight Algerian insurgents seeking independence. After the failure of his policy of negotiation with the Algerian rebels, his government, believing that Egypt had supplied aid to the rebels, joined the British in a futile military expedition that briefly occupied the Suez Canal in November 1956. During the Suez Crisis, Mollet secretly approached Great Britain about a union between the two countries. This proposal was rejected by the British, as was his later suggestion that France join the Commonwealth. (The discussions were revealed to the public in 2007.) In other matters, Mollet granted partial autonomy to the French colonies south of the Sahara, and during his premiership the decision was made to build a French nuclear strike force. He also signed treaties establishing the Common Market and Euratom (European Atomic Energy Commission). His government was overthrown because of rightist criticism of his push for social reform on a budget badly depleted by the Suez invasion.

      In MayJune 1958 Mollet succeeded in defusing Socialist opposition to General Charles de Gaulle (Gaulle, Charles de)'s assumption of the premiership, and he joined de Gaulle's government as minister of state (June 1958January 1959). Thereafter he assumed a position of constructive opposition to de Gaulle's domestic policy while continuing to serve as a deputy and as mayor of Arras.

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