Missouri Plan

Missouri Plan
Method of selecting judges that originated in the state of Missouri and was later adopted elsewhere.

Designed to overcome the weaknesses of the elective system, the plan permits the governor to select a judge from a list of nominees recommended by a special commission, but requires that the judge be approved in a public referendum after serving a period of time.

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United States history
      method of selecting judges that originated in the state of Missouri and subsequently was adopted by other U.S. jurisdictions. It involves the creation of a nominating commission that screens judicial candidates and submits to the appointing authority (such as the governor) a limited number of names of individuals considered to be qualified. The appointing authority chooses from the list, and any one so chosen assumes the judgeship for a probationary period. After this period the judge stands for popular election for a much longer term, not competing against other candidates but basing his candidacy on previous judgments. Under the Missouri Plan, voters decide whether or not to retain the judge in office.

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