
jasper ware or jas·per·ware (jăsʹpər-wâr') n.
A fine white stoneware originally produced by Josiah Wedgwood, often colored by metallic oxides with raised designs remaining white.

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 type of fine-grained, unglazed stoneware introduced by the English potter Josiah Wedgwood (Wedgwood, Josiah) in 1775 as the result of a long series of experiments aimed at discovering the techniques of porcelain manufacture. Its name derives from the fact that it resembles the natural stone jasper in its hardness. Jasper is white in its natural state and is stained with metallic oxide colouring agents. The most common shade is pale blue, but dark blue, lilac, sage green, black, and yellow were also used. The earliest jasper was stained throughout and was known assolid,” whereas the later varieties were coloured only on the surface and were known asdip.” Decorations, in the Neoclassical style and usually white, were made in separate molds and applied to the body of the piece. Objects made of jasper were varied and included vases, plaques, tableware, cameos, furniture mounts, and portrait medallions. The finest examples of the medallions were modeled by the English sculptor John Flaxman and by Wedgwood's principal modeler, William Hackwood. Outstanding are Wedgwood's 1790 reproductions in jasper of the Portland Vase (excavated from a tomb outside Rome in the early 17th century), one of which is now in the British Museum, London. Jasperware is still produced today.

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