Mesozoic Era

Mesozoic Era
Second of the Earth's three major geologic eras and the interval during which the continental landmasses as known today were separated from the supercontinents Laurasia and Gondwana by continental drift.

It lasted from с 248 to с 65 million years ago and includes the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. The Mesozoic saw the evolution of widely diversified and advanced flora and fauna, quite different from those that had developed earlier during the Paleozoic Era or that would develop later during the Cenozoic Era.

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 second of the Earth's three major geologic eras of Phanerozoic (Phanerozoic Eon) time. Its name is derived from the Greek term formiddle life.” The Mesozoic Era began 251 million years ago, following the Paleozoic Era, and ended 65.5 million years ago, at the dawn of the Cenozoic Era. (See the geologic time scale—>.) The major divisions of the Mesozoic Era are, from oldest to youngest, the Triassic Period, the Jurassic Period, and the Cretaceous Period. The ancestors of major plant and animal groups that exist today first appeared during the Mesozoic, but this era is best known as the time of the dinosaurs (dinosaur).

      The Earth's climate during the Mesozoic Era was generally warm, and there was less difference in temperature between equatorial and polar latitudes than there is today. The Mesozoic was a time of geologic and biological transition. During this era the continents began to move into their present-day configurations. A distinct modernization of life-forms occurred, partly because of the demise of many earlier types of organisms. Three of the five largest mass extinctions in Earth history are associated with the Mesozoic: a mass extinction occurred at the boundary between the Mesozoic and the preceding Paleozoic; another occurred within the Mesozoic at the end of the Triassic Period; and a third occurred at the boundary between the Mesozoic and subsequent Cenozoic, resulting in the demise of the dinosaurs.

Mesozoic geology
   At the outset of the Mesozoic, all of the Earth's continents (continent) were joined together into the supercontinent of Pangea (see the map—> of the Early Triassic). By the close of the era, Pangea had fragmented into multiple landmasses. The fragmentation began with continental rifting (continental drift) during the Late Triassic. This separated Pangea into the continents of Laurasia and Gondwana. By the Middle Jurassic these landmasses had begun further fragmentation. At that time much of Pangea lay between 60° N and 60° S, and at the Equator the widening Tethys Sea cut between Gondwana and Laurasia. When rifting had sufficiently progressed, oceanic spreading centres formed between the landmasses. During the Middle Jurassic, North America began pulling apart from Eurasia and Gondwana. By the Late Jurassic, Africa had started to split off from South America, and Australia and Antarctica had separated from India (see the map—> of the Late Jurassic). Near the close of the Cretaceous, Madagascar separated from Africa, and South America drifted northwestward (see the map—> of the Late Cretaceous).

      As the continents rifted and ruptured, thick sequences of marine sediments (marine sediment) accumulated in large linear troughs along their margins. Ocean basin deposits of Jurassic age are found today in the circum-Pacific region, along the coasts of eastern North America and the Gulf of Mexico, and on the margins of Eurasia and Gondwana (that is, along the northern and southern boundaries of the Tethys Sea).

      Major mountain building (orogeny) (orogeny) began on the western margins of both North and South America and between the separating fragments of Gondwana. For example, the northwesterly movement of North America resulted in a collision of the western edge of the North American continental plate with a complex of island arcs (island arc) during the Late Jurassic. So-called exotic terranes, geologic fragments that differ markedly in stratigraphy, paleomagnetism (remanent magnetism), and paleontology from adjoining continental crust, were accreted to the margin of the North American plate. As thrusting occurred in an eastward direction, huge granitic (granite) batholiths (batholith) formed in what is now the Sierra Nevada range along the California-Nevada border. Other notable episodes of mountain building during the Mesozoic include the Sevier and Laramide orogenies (Laramide orogeny), which took place in western North America during Cretaceous time. These events created the Rocky Mountains.

      Mesozoic rocks are widely distributed, appearing in various parts of the world. A large percentage of these rocks are sedimentary (sedimentary rock). At various times during the Mesozoic, shallow seas (ocean) invaded continental interiors and then drained away. During Middle Triassic time, a marine incursionthe Muschelkalk Seacovered the continental interior of Europe. Seas again transgressed upon the continents between the Early and Late Jurassic and in the Early Cretaceous, leaving extensive beds of sandstone, ironstone, clays (clay mineral), and limestone (see Solnhofen Limestone). A last major transgression of marine waters flooded large segments of all the continents later in the Cretaceous. These sharp rises in sea level and resultant worldwide flooding are thought to have had two causes. The first was warm global temperatures, which prevented large volumes of water from being sequestered on land in the form of ice sheets. The second was related to accelerated seafloor spreading; the attendant enlargement of ocean ridges displaced enormous amounts of ocean water onto the landmasses. Marine transgression was so extensive that in North America, for example, a seaway spread all the way from the Arctic to the Gulf of Mexico in the Cretaceous Period. Widespread deposition of chalk, clay, black shales, and marl occurred. In parts of North America, lake and river sediments rich in dinosaur fossils were deposited alongside marine sediments. (See Morrison Formation.)

      A substantial amount of igneous rock also formed during the Mesozoic. The orogenies of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods involved volcanism and plutonic (pluton) intrusion such as occurred during the emplacement of granites and andesites (andesite) in the Andes of South America during the Late Jurassic. Two of the largest volcanic events in Earth's history occurred during the Mesozoic. The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, a huge volume of basalt, was created at the end of the Triassic during the initial rifting of Pangea. The surface area of this igneous province originally covered more than 7 million square km ( about 3 million square miles), and its rocks can be found today from Brazil to France. Despite such a massive volume of basaltic material extruded, volcanic activity was probably short-lived, spanning only a few million years. At the end of the Cretaceous, another igneous province, the flood basalts of the Deccan Traps, formed on what is now the Indian subcontinent. Some scientists have suggested that both of these large igneous events may have injected significant amounts of carbon dioxide and aerosols into the atmosphere, triggering a change in global climate. The timing of these volcanic events appears to overlap the Triassic-Jurassic and Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinctions, and they may have played a role in them.

Mesozoic life
      The fauna and flora of the Mesozoic were distinctly different from those of the Paleozoic, the largest mass extinction in Earth history having occurred at the boundary of the two eras, when some 90 percent of all marine invertebrate species and 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrate genera disappeared. At the start of the Mesozoic, the remaining biota began a prolonged recovery of diversity and total population numbers, and ecosystems began to resemble those of modern days. Vertebrates (vertebrate), less severely affected by the extinction than invertebrates (invertebrate), diversified progressively throughout the Triassic. The Triassic terrestrial environment was dominated by the therapsids (therapsid), sometimes referred to asmammal-like reptiles,” and the thecodonts (thecodontian), ancestors of dinosaurs and crocodiles, both of which appeared during the Late Triassic. The first true mammals (mammal), which were small, shrewlike omnivores, also appeared in the Late Triassic, as did the lizards, turtles, and flying pterosaurs (pterosaur). In the oceans, mollusksincluding ammonites (ammonoid), bivalves (bivalve), and gastropods (gastropod)—became a dominant group. Fishes, sharks, and marine reptiles such as plesiosaurs (plesiosaur), nothosaurs (Nothosaurus), and ichthyosaurs (ichthyosaur) also swam the Mesozoic seas.

      Another major extinction event struck at the close of the Triassic, one that wiped out as much as 20 percent of marine families and many terrestrial vertebrates, including therapsids. The cause of this mass extinction is not yet known but may be related to climatic and oceanographic changes. In all, 35 percent of the existing animal groups suffered extinction.

      In the oceans the ammonites and brachiopods recovered from the Late Triassic crisis, thriving in the warm continental seas. Ammonites rapidly became very common invertebrates in the marine realm and are now important index fossils (index fossil) for worldwide correlation of Jurassic rock strata. Many other animal forms, including mollusks (notably the bivalves), sharks, and bony fishes, flourished during the Jurassic. During the Jurassic and Cretaceous, the ecology of marine ecosystems began to change, as shown by a rapid increase in diversity of marine organisms. It is believed that increasing predation pressures caused many marine organisms to develop better defenses and burrow more deeply into the seafloor. In response, predators also evolved more-effective ways to catch their prey. These changes are so significant that they are called theMesozoic Marine Revolution.”

 The dominant terrestrial vertebrates were dinosaurs (dinosaur), which exhibited great diversity during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Birds (bird) are believed to have evolved from dinosaur ancestors during the Late Jurassic. Ancestors of living vertebrates, such as frogs, toads, and salamanders, appeared on land along with the two important modern mammal groups, the placentals (placental mammal) and the marsupials (marsupial). plant life also exhibited a gradual change toward more-modern forms during the course of the Mesozoic. Whereas seed ferns had predominated in the Triassic, forests of palmlike gymnosperms (gymnosperm) known as cycads (cycad) and conifers (conifer) proliferated under the tropical and temperate conditions that prevailed during the Jurassic. The first flowering plants, or angiosperms (angiosperm), had appeared by the Cretaceous. They radiated rapidly and supplanted many of the primitive plant groups to become the dominant form of vegetation by the end of the Mesozoic.

 The Mesozoic closed with an extinction event that devastated many forms of life. In the oceans all the ammonites, reef-building rudist bivalves (bivalve), and marine reptiles died off, as did 90 percent of the coccolithophores (coccolith) (single-celled plantlike plankton) and foraminifera (foraminiferan) (single-celled animal-like plankton). On land the dinosaurs and flying reptiles became extinct. The Late Cretaceous extinctions have been variously attributed to such phenomena as global tectonics, draining of the continental seas, northward migration of the continents into different and much cooler climatic zones, intensified volcanic activity, and a catastrophic meteorite or asteroid impact. The Cretaceous extinction may very well have had multiple causes. As the landmasses were uplifted by plate tectonism and migrated poleward, the climate of the Late Cretaceous began to deteriorate. In fact, some of the extinctions were not sudden but rather spanned millions of years, suggesting that a gradual decline of some organisms had already begun before the end of the Cretaceous. However, strong evidence supports the contention that a large-scale impact played a significant role in the mass extinctions at the end of the Mesozoic, including the sudden disappearance of many groups (such as ammonite (ammonoid) and microfossil species), the presence of geochemical and mineralogical signatures that most likely came from extraterrestrial sources, and the discovery of the Chicxulub crater in the Yucatán Peninsula. It is believed that an asteroid with a diameter of about 10 km (6 miles) hit the Earth and caused wildfires, acid rain, months of darkness (because of the large amount of ash injected into the atmosphere), and cold temperatures (caused by increased reflection of solar energy back into space by airborne particles). An intense warming may have followed, heat being trapped by atmospheric aerosols. Whatever the cause, this major mass extinction marks the end of the Mesozoic Era. The end of the dinosaurs (except birds) and many other forms of life allowed the development of modern biota in the Cenozoic Era.

Carol Marie Tang

Additional Reading
Steven M. Stanley, Earth System History (1999), gives an introduction to the geology, paleoceanography, paleoclimate, and paleontology of the Mesozoic Era. Nicholas Wade (ed.), The Science Times Book of Fossils and Evolution (2001), presents short articles on dinosaurs, extinctions, and other paleontological topics.Walter Alvarez, T. Rex and the Crater of Doom (1997), describes the search for the cause of the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction. A. Hallam and P.B. Wignall, Mass Extinctions and Their Aftermath (1997), provides more detailed and technical information about major mass extinctions, including the three associated with the Mesozoic.Carol Marie Tang

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