Medici family

Medici family
Italian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and later Tuscany from с 1430 to 1737.

The family, noted for its often tyrannical rulers and its beneficent patrons of the arts, also provided the church with four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV, and Leo XI) and married into the royal families of Europe, notably in France (Catherine de Médicis and Marie de Médicis). The effective founder of the family was Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici (13601429), a merchant who amassed great wealth in trade and was the virtual ruler of Florence from 1421 to 1429. From his two sons derived the major branches of the family. The so-called elder branch began with Cosimo de' Medici. His grandson, Lorenzo de' Medici, or Lorenzo the Magnificent, greatly expanded the family's power. His son Giuliano de' Medici became duke de Nemours. Another son, Giovanni, became Pope Leo X. Lorenzo's great-granddaughter was Catherine de Médicis. Another of Cosimo's grandsons, Giulio de' Medici (14781534) became pope as Clement VII. His probable illegitimate son, Alessandro de' Medici, a tyrant, was the last of the direct male line of the elder branch. The so-called younger branch of the family began with Giovanni's younger son Lorenzo de' Medici. His son Giovanni married Caterina Sforza of the powerful Sforza family, and their son Giovanni de' Medici became a noted general. His son Cosimo I became duke of Florence, and Cosimo's son Francesco de' Medici (154187) was the father of Marie de Médicis. Cosimo I's grandson Cosimo II (15901621) gave up the family practice of banking and commerce. Cosimo II's grandson Cosimo III (16421723) was a weak ruler, under whom Tuscany's power declined. His son Gian Gastone de' Medici (16711737), who died without issue, was the last grand duke of Tuscany.

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French  Médicis,  

      Italian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and, later, Tuscany, during most of the period from 1434 to 1737, except for two brief intervals (from 1494 to 1512 and from 1527 to 1530). It provided the church with four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV, and Leon XI) and married into the royal families of Europe (most notably in France, in the persons of queens Catherine de Médicis and Marie de Médicis).

 Three lines of Medici successively approached or acquired positions of power (see the Table—>). The line of Chiarissimo II failed to gain power in Florence in the 14th century. In the 15th century the line of Cosimo the Elder set up a hereditary principate in Florence but without legal right or title, hence subject to sudden overthrow; crowns burgeoned, however, on the last branches of their genealogical tree, for two of them were dukes outside Florence, their last heir in a direct line became queen of France (Catherine de Médicis), and their final offspring, Alessandro, a bastard, was duke of Florence. In the 16th century a third line renounced republican notions and imposed its tyranny, and its members made themselves a dynasty of grand dukes of Tuscany.

      The differences between these three collateral lines are due essentially to circumstances, for there was, in all the Medici, an extraordinary persistence of hereditary traits. In the first place, not being soldiers, they were constantly confronting their adversaries with bribes of gold rather than with battalions of armed men. In addition, the early Medici resolutely courted favour with the middle and poorer classes in the city, and this determination to be popolani (“plebeian”) endured a long time after them. Finally, all were consumed by a passion for arts and letters and for building. They were more than beneficent and ostentatious patrons of the arts; they were also enlightened and were probably the most magnificent such patrons that the West has ever seen.

Line of Chiarissimo II.
      The Medici were originally of Tuscan peasant origin, from the village of Cafaggiolo in the Mugello, the valley of the Sieve, north of Florence. Some of these villagers, in the 12th century perhaps, became aware of the new opportunities afforded by commerce and emigrated to Florence. There, by the following century, the Medici were counted among the wealthy notables, although in the second rank, after leading families of the city. After 1340 an economic depression throughout Europe forced these more powerful houses into bankruptcy. The Medici, however, were able to escape this fate and even took advantage of it to establish themselves among the city's elite. But their policy of consolidating their position by controlling the governmentthe work of the descendants of Chiarissimo II (himself the grandson of the first known Medici)—resulted in 50 years of serious misfortunes for the family (134393).

      His grandson Salvestro took up his policy of alliance with the popolo minuto (“common people”) and was elected gonfalonier, head of the signoria, the council of government, in 1378. Salvestro more or less willingly stirred up an insurrection of the ciompi, the artisans of the lowest class, and, after their victory, was not above reaping substantial monetary and titular advantages. But in 1381, when the popular government fell, he had to go into exile. His memory, however, was still alive in 1393, when the popolo magro (“lean people”) once more thought it possible to take over the signoria. The mob hastened to seek out his first cousin, Vieri, who was, however, able to fade away without losing face. With Vieri this branch of the Medici was to disappear definitively from history.

Line of Cosimo the Elder.
      A distant cousin of Salvestro was Averardo de' Medici (or Bicci), whose progeny became the famous Medici of history. His son Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici (13601429), considered the first of the great Medici (Medici, Cosimo de'), inherited the family business based on cloth and silk manufacturing and on banking operations and made the family powerfully prosperous. Giovanni's two sons, Cosimo (13891464) and Lorenzo (13941440), both of whom acquired the appellation ofthe Elder,” founded the famous lines of the Medici family.

      Cosimo de' Medici (Medici, Cosimo de') (q.v.), the older brother, established the family's political base. He served on the Florentine board of war, called the Dieci (The Ten), and held other posts. His two sons were Piero (141669) and Giovanni (142463). The latter died before his father, who in death received the titleFather of His Country.” Piero di Cosimo de' Medici (Medici, Piero di Cosimo de') (q.v.) maintained and strengthened the political fortunes of the family. He also fathered two sons, one of whom, Giuliano (145378) was assassinated. The second son, Lorenzo (144992), became in his own time Il Magnifico (The Magnificent).

      Lorenzo de' Medici (Medici, Lorenzo de') (q.v.) deservedly holds an honoured place in the history of Florence and Italy. Inheriting from his forebears a deep respect for arts and letters, he became a poet himself as well as a patron of artists and a skilled statesman. His three children, Piero (14721503), Giovanni (14751521)—later Leo Xand Giuliano (14791516), played contrasting roles in the city's history. Assuming the mantle of family power from Lorenzo, Piero alienated the people of Florence by siding with the French. Because of this act, considered a betrayal, the Medici had to flee Florence (1494). Giovanni, at that time a cardinal, used his influence with Pope Julius II to bring the family back to positions of power. Giuliano, who received the French title of duc de Nemours, was in poor health and died relatively young.

      Piero, oldest of the children of Lorenzo the Magnificent, fathered one son, also named Lorenzo (14921519), who in turn had a daughter, Catherine (Catherine de Médicis) (151989), who became queen of France as wife of Henry II; three of her four sons became kings of France. Giovanni, second son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, became Pope Leo X. In commemoration of the deaths of Giuliano and Lorenzo, the two who had died relatively young, the family commissioned Michelangelo to complete the famous Medici Tombs in Florence. The few years of this period are often considered to be the apogee of the Medici age. The period has even been calledthe century of Leo X.” From 1513 to 1521, surrounded by five nephews and cousins whom he had named cardinals, Leo X reigned less over Christianity than over arts and letters in the style of his father, the Magnificent, too occupied with patronage to pay sufficient attention to an unimportant monk by the name of Martin Luther. By the 1520s, nonetheless, the descendants of Cosimo the Elder had become few in number. To ensure that a Medici of the Cosimo line would continue to rule Florence, Pope Clement VII, nephew of Lorenzo the Magnificent, installed Alessandro (151137), reputedly his own illegitimate son, as hereditary duke of Florence. In the same year, 1532, Clement VII abolished the city's old constitution.

       Alessandro (q.v.) proved to be cruel and brutally authoritarian. He ruled for five years. In 1537 he was assassinated by a companion who was also a relative.

The grand dukes of Tuscany.
      Alessandro's death did not terminate the Medici family's power in Florence. A younger branch of the family, descendants of the Lorenzo who had been the brother of Cosimo the Elder, now came forward. Cosimo de' Medici (151974), great-great-grandson of Lorenzo, became duke of Florence, then grand duke of Tuscany (1569), and reigned as Cosimo I (q.v.). He established a new dynasty that perpetuated the family's traditional regard for the arts and sciences. The descendants of Cosimo I, who ruled over Florence and Tuscany as grand dukes into the 1700s, included the following major figures.

      Francis (154187), son of Cosimo I, was known equally as a suspicious despot, a tax master who nearly ruined the nation's economy, and an estimable patron of the arts and sciences. He favoured the goldsmith Benvenuto Cellini; and his interest in science, particularly chemistry, led to establishment of a Florentine porcelain factory. Francis' daughter became the queen of France as the wife of Henry IV and is known in history as Marie De Médicis (q.v.).

       Ferdinand I (15491609), younger brother of Francis and a cardinal when he succeeded to the grand duchy, showed more tact and experience in administration and, during his reign, brought Tuscany to new heights of stability and prosperity. He was the founder of the Villa Medici at Rome and the purchaser of many priceless works of art, such as the Niobe group and many other statues that he afterward transported to Florence. After his accession he retained the cardinal's purple until the time of his marriage. He was in most respects his brother's opposite.

       Cosimo II (q.v.; 15901621), older son of Ferdinand I, reigned during a period when Europe was relatively at peace and when Tuscany's abundant harvests helped to feed Europe and make Tuscany rich. From then on, however, a general decay set in. Ferdinand II (q.v.; 161070), oldest son of Cosimo II, was followed by his only living son and heir, Cosimo III (q.v.; 16421723), who in turn was followed by an only son, Gian Gastone (16711737), who died without issue. The European powers in 1738 transferred the grand duchy to the dukes of Lorraine, related to the Austrian imperial house.

      The older Medicean line had generally honoured the republican ambitions of the people of Florence. The younger line established an authoritarian rule that had both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, constitutional forms and movements toward democratic government disappeared. On the other hand, Florence acquired a degree of stability that it had never known under the descendants of Cosimo the Elder. Despite the new stability, the city dwindled as a centre of art, science, and scholarship. The descendants of Cosimo I married into most of the royal houses of Europe; to a greater or lesser extent they preserved the family name and the family fortune; but, ruling mainly by military force, they seem in the context of history to have reduced the city's role and importance as a centre of creative artistic effort and cultural renaissance. The grand ducal line disappeared with the death of Cosimo III's daughter Anna Maria Luisa (16671743), widow of the elector palatine John William of Neuburg; she bequeathed all the art treasures of the Medici to the grand duchy and to Florence. Engraved on her tomb in the Cappella dei Principi (Chapel of the Princes) are the words Ultima della stirpe reale dei Medici (“Last of the royal Medici line”).

Additional Reading
Among many historians and memorialists contemporary with the Medici, Niccolò Machiavelli, Francesco Guicciardini, and, to a lesser degree, Scipione Ammirato cannot be dispensed with. Modern works, for a general view, include G.F. Young, The Medici, 2 vol. (1909, reprinted 1933; Italian trans. 1935; French trans. 1969), dated but still useful; Albert Jourcin, Les Médicis (1968; German trans. 1969); Gaetano Pieraccini, La stirpe de' Medici di Cafaggiolo, 2nd ed., 3 vol. (1947), extensive researches on the hereditary features and diseases that run in the Medici family; and Marcel Brion, Le Siècle des Médicis (1969; The Medici: A Great Florentine Family, 1969). On institutions and banking, Nicolai Rubinstein, The Government of Florence Under the Medici, 1434 to 1494 (1966), based on a masterly examination of the Florentine archives, is fundamental; while Raymond de Roover, The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank, 13971494 (1963), excellently clears up a difficult matter.

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