
Historic African kingdom of the Mbundu people, located northeast of Luanda, Angola.

A strong state in the early 16th century, it came into conflict with the Portuguese colonists of Angola. About 1630 it was conquered by Nzinga, ex-ruler of Ndongo, who strengthened it and stopped Angola's eastward expansion in the 1670s. A 1684 treaty remained in effect until the Portuguese seized part of Matamba's territory in 1744. The rest of it, assigned to Angola by European treaties of 18701900, remained a self-governing kingdom until it was occupied by Portuguese troops in the early 20th century.

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historical kingdom, Africa
      historical African kingdom located on the Cuango River northeast of Luanda, Angola. Founded by Kimbundu-speaking people (see Mbundu) before the 16th century, it was loosely under the orbit of the Kongo kingdom (Kongo) until about 1550. The Matamba kingdom was noteworthy in that it was frequently ruled by females. In 163032 it was conquered by Njinga Mbande (often referred to simply as Njinga, also spelled Nzinga, Jinga, or Ginga; also known by her Christian name, Ana de Sousa), ruler of the neighbouring Ndongo kingdom, when she was expelled from some of her domains by rivals and their Portuguese allies. Matamba served as Njinga's main base in the long war with Portugal and her Ndongo rival, Ngola a Hari. A treaty in 1656 ended the war and established Matamba's boundary with the Portuguese colony of Angola. Njinga left no children, and, following a civil war in 1666, Matamba was ruled by the descendants of her general, João Guterres Ngola Kanini. Matamba wrestled with the neighbouring Kasanje kingdom for control of the Cuango River valley until Queen Verónica Guterres Ngola Kanini settled border issues and regularized the new kingdom. Matamba then enjoyed generally peaceful relations with Portugal that were only occasionally broken by war, as in 1744 when Portuguese troops invaded and defeated a Matamba army before withdrawing, resulting in the imposition of a nominal relationship of vassalage on Queen Ana II Guterres da Silva Ngola Kanini. In a succession dispute following the death of Ana III Guterres in 1767, the state was split in two by a rivalry between her nephew Francisco II Kaluete ka Mbandi and her daughter Kamana, but it was later reunited by Kamana's son.

      During the 19th centuryparticularly after 1830the Portuguese began to encroach on Matamba's western provinces with the goal of expanding their coffee plantations, leading to the establishment of a fort at Duque de Bragança (present-day Calandula) in 1838. Matamba participated in a number of wars to stop Portuguese expansion in the 1890s, but the kingdom became the focus of a Portuguese expedition in 1909 and ultimately was integrated into the Portuguese colony (colonialism, Western) of Angola.

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