Mapam, Lake

Mapam, Lake
Chinese Mapam Yumco or Ma-fa-mu-ts'o conventional Manasarowar

Lying nearly 15,000 ft (4,570 m) above sea level, it is generally recognized as the highest body of fresh water in the world. It is prominent in Hindu mythology and is one of the most sacred places of pilgrimage for Hindus.

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lake, China
Chinese (Pinyin)  Mapam Yumco  or  Mafa Mucuo  or  (Wade-Giles romanization)  Ma-p'ang Yung-ts'o  or  Ma-fa-mu-ts'o , Tibetan  Tso Mapham , conventional  Manasarowar 

      lake, in the western Tibet Autonomous Region of China, to the south of the Kailas Range. Lying nearly 15,000 feet (4,600 metres) above sea level, it is generally recognized as the highest body of fresh water in the world. The lake is prominent in the mythology of Hinduism, and it has traditionally been one of the most important Hindu pilgrimage centres.

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Universalium. 2010.

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