Malamud, Bernard

Malamud, Bernard
born April 26, 1914, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.
died March 18, 1986, New York, N.Y.

U.S. novelist and short-story writer.

Born to Russian-Jewish immigrants, he was educated at City College of New York and Columbia University, and he later taught principally at Bennington College. His novels, which often make parables out of Jewish immigrant life, include The Natural (1952), about a baseball hero; The Assistant (1957), about a Jewish grocer and a Gentile hoodlum; and The Fixer (1966, Pulitzer Prize), often considered his finest novel. His genius is most apparent in his stories, collected in The Magic Barrel (1958), Idiots First (1963), Pictures of Fidelman (1969), and Rembrandt's Hat (1973).

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American author
born April 26, 1914, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.
died March 18, 1986, New York, N.Y.

      American novelist and short-story writer who made parables out of Jewish immigrant life.

      Malamud's parents were Russian Jews who had fled tsarist Russia. He was born in Brooklyn, where his father owned a small grocery store. The family was poor. Malamud's mother died when he was 15 years old, and he was unhappy when his father remarried. He early on assumed responsibility for his handicapped brother. Malamud was educated at the City College of New York (B.A., 1936) and Columbia University (M.A., 1942). He taught at high schools in New York City (194049), at Oregon State University (194961), and at Bennington College in Vermont (196166, 196886).

      His first novel, The Natural (1952; filmed 1984), is a fable about a baseball hero who is gifted with miraculous powers. The Assistant (1957) is about a young Gentile hoodlum and an old Jewish grocer. The Fixer (1966) takes place in tsarist Russia. The story of a Jewish handyman unjustly imprisoned for the murder of a Christian boy, it won Malamud a Pulitzer Prize. His other novels are A New Life (1961), The Tenants (1971), Dubin's Lives (1979), and God's Grace (1982).

      Malamud's genius is most apparent in his short stories. Though told in a spare, compressed prose that reflects the terse speech of their immigrant characters, the stories often burst into emotional, metaphorical language. Grim city neighbourhoods are visited by magical events, and their hardworking residents are given glimpses of love and self-sacrifice. Malamud's short-story collections are The Magic Barrel (1958), Idiots First (1963), Pictures of Fidelman (1969), and Rembrandt's Hat (1973). The Stories of Bernard Malamud appeared in 1983, and The People and Uncollected Stories was published posthumously in 1989. The People, an unfinished novel, tells the story of a Jewish immigrant adopted by a 19th-century American Indian tribe. One critic spoke ofits moral sinew and its delicacy of tone.”

Additional Reading
Lawrence M. Lasher (ed.), Conversations with Bernard Malamud (1991); and Alan Cheuse and Nicholas Delbanco (eds.), Talking Horse: Bernard Malamud on Life and Work (1996), contain Malamud's reflections on the craft of writing and on his personal experiences. A biography is Evelyn Gross Avery, The Magic Worlds of Bernard Malamud (2001).Critical works include Leslie A. Field and Joyce W. Field (eds.), Bernard Malamud and the Critics (1970); Richard Astro and Jackson J. Benson (eds.), The Fiction of Bernard Malamud (1977); Sheldon J. Hershinow, Bernard Malamud (1980); Jeffrey Helterman, Understanding Bernard Malamud (1985); Robert Solotaroff, Bernard Malamud: A Study of the Short Fiction (1989); and Edward A. Abramson, Bernard Malamud Revisited (1993).

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