Lundy, Benjamin

Lundy, Benjamin
born January 4, 1789, Sussex county, N.J., U.S.
died Aug. 22, 1839, Lowell, Ill.

U.S. abolitionist and publisher.

He worked in Virginia and Ohio, where he organized the Union Humane Society (1815), one of the first antislavery societies. In 1821 he founded a newspaper, the Genius of Universal Emancipation, which he edited in various places until 1835, when he began publishing another paper, the National Enquirer (later the Pennsylvania Freeman), in Philadelphia. He traveled in search of places for former slaves to settle, including Canada and Haiti.

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American abolitionist
born January 4, 1789, Sussex County, New Jersey, U.S.
died August 22, 1839, Lowell, Illinois
 American publisher and leading abolitionist in the 1820s and '30s.

      Born to Quaker parents, Lundy was introduced early on to antislavery sentiment, as Quakers condemned the practice. His dedication to the abolitionist cause, however, did not begin until he was working as an apprentice saddlemaker in Wheeling, Virginia, where he was first exposed to the slave trade. In 1815 he organized the Union Humane Society, an antislavery association, in Ohio. In 1821 he founded a newspaper, the Genius of Universal Emancipation, which he edited at irregular intervals in various places until 1835, when he began publication of another newspaper, The National Enquirer (later the Pennsylvania Freeman), in Philadelphia. Much of his time was spent traveling in search of suitable places where freed slaves could settle, such as Canada and Haiti. From 1836 to 1838 he worked closely with U.S. Representative John Quincy Adams (Adams, John Quincy) against the annexation of Texas, which would provide an opportunity for the extension of slavery. He moved to Illinois in 1839 and reestablished the Genius, which he published until his death.

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  • Lundy, Benjamin — (4 ene. 1789, cond. de Sussex, N.J., EE.UU.–22 ago. 1839, Lowell, Ill.). Abolicionista estadounidense y editor de periódicos. Trabajó en Virginia y Ohio, donde organizó la Union Humane Society (1815), una de las primeras sociedades… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Benjamin Lundy — (4 janvier 1789 – 22 août 1839) était un abolitionniste américain, d obédience quaker, qui dirigea le Genius of Universal Emancipation, un des premiers journaux antiesclavagistes de son pays. Actif pendant une période de transition pour le… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Benjamin Lundy — (January 4, 1789 ndash; August 22, 1839) was an American Quaker abolitionist who established several anti slavery newspapers and worked for many others. He traveled widely seeking to limit the expansion of slavery, and in seeking to establish a… …   Wikipedia

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