
or Luyia

Cluster of several closely related Bantu-speaking peoples of western Kenya.

They emerged as a coherent group about 1945, when it was politically advantageous to possess a larger ethnic identity. Today, numbering some 3.8 million, the Luhya are the second-largest ethnic group in Kenya. They grow corn, cotton, and sugarcane as cash crops and millet, sorghum, and vegetables as staples, and they also keep livestock. Many have moved to urban areas seeking work.

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also called  Luyia,  or  Abaluhya,  

      ethnolinguistic cluster of several acephalous, closely related Bantu-speaking peoples including the Bukusu, Tadjoni, Wanga, Marama, Tsotso, Tiriki, Nyala, Kabras, Hayo, Marachi, Holo, Maragoli, Dakho, Isukha, Kisa, Nyole, and Samia of Western Province, western Kenya. The term Luhya, which is short for Abaluhya (loosely, “those of the same hearth”), was first suggested by a local African mutual-assistance association around 1930; by 1945, when in the postwar colonial period it was found to be politically advantageous to possess a supertribal identity, the Luhya had emerged as a national group.

      United as Luhya, members of various small groups were able to gain the same recognition, voice, and presence in Kenyan politics that was enjoyed by the larger groups. The Luhya constituted the second-largest ethnic grouping in Kenya in the 1980s.

      Most Luhya groups lack traditional chieftainships, being organized into more or less politically autonomous patrilineal lineages, each associated with a stretch of land. With land shortage there has been considerable tribal interspersal. Luhya grow corn (maize), cotton, and sugarcane as cash crops; cultivate millet, sorghum, and vegetables as staple crops; and also keep some livestock. They participate in trade and other activities in areas adjacent to the great waterway of Lake Victoria. Many Luhya have migrated to urban areas seeking work.

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