Leopardi, Giacomo

Leopardi, Giacomo
born June 29, 1798, Recanati, Papal States
died June 14, 1837, Naples

Italian poet, scholar, and philosopher.

Congenitally deformed, he suffered throughout his life from chronic ailments and frustrated hopes. His usually pessimistic poetry is admired for its brilliance, intensity, and effortless musicality. His verse collections include Canzoni (1824), Versi (1826), and I canti (1831). His finest poems are probably the lyrics called "Idillii" in early editions of his poetry. Operette morali (1827; "Minor Moral Works") is an influential philosophical exposition, mainly in dialogue form, of his doctrine of despair. He is considered among the great Italian writers of the 19th century.

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Italian poet and philosopher
born June 29, 1798, Recanati, Papal States
died June 14, 1837, Naples

      Italian poet, scholar, and philosopher whose outstanding scholarly and philosophical works and superb lyric poetry place him among the great writers of the 19th century.

      A precocious, congenitally deformed child of noble but apparently insensitive parents, Giacomo quickly exhausted the resources of his tutors. At the age of 16 he independently had mastered Greek, Latin, and several modern languages, had translated many classical works, and had written two tragedies, many Italian poems, and several scholarly commentaries. Excessive study permanently damaged his health: after bouts of poor vision, he eventually became blind in one eye and developed a cerebrospinal condition that afflicted him all his life. Forced to suspend his studies for long periods, wounded by his parents' unconcern, and sustained only by happy relationships with his brother and sister, he poured out his hopes and his bitterness in poems such as Appressamento della morte (written 1816, published 1835; “Approach of Death”), a visionary work in terza rima, imitative of Petrarch and Dante but written with considerable poetic skill and inspired by a genuine feeling of despair.

      Two experiences in 1817 and 1818 robbed Leopardi of whatever optimism he had left: his frustrated love for his married cousin, Gertrude Cassi (subject of his journal Diario d'amore and the elegyIl primo amore”), and the death from consumption of Terese Fattorini, young daughter of his father's coachman, subject of one of his greatest lyrics, “A Silvia.” The last lines of this poem express the anguish he felt all his life:O nature, nature, / Why dost thou not fulfill / Thy first fair promise? / Why dost thou deceive / Thy children so?”

      Leopardi's inner suffering was lightened in 1818 by a visit from the scholar and patriot Pietro Giordani, who urged him to escape from his painful situation at home. At last he went to Rome for a few unhappy months (182223), then returned home for another painful period, brightened only by the 1824 publication of his verse collection Canzoni. In 1825 he accepted an offer to edit Cicero's works in Milan. For the next few years he travelled between Bologna, Recanati, Pisa, and Florence and published Versi (1826), an enlarged collection of poems; and Operette morali (1827; “Minor Moral Works”), an influential philosophical exposition, mainly in dialogue form, of his doctrine of despair.

      Lack of money forced him to live at Recanati (182830), but he escaped again to Florence through the financial help of friends and published a further collection of poems, I canti (1831). Frustrated love for a Florentine beauty, Fanny Targioni-Tozzetti, inspired some of his saddest lyrics. A young Neapolitan exile, Antonio Ranieri, became his friend and only comfort.

      Leopardi moved to Rome, then to Florence, and finally settled in Naples in 1833, where, among other works, he wrote Ginestra (1836), a long poem included in Ranieri's posthumous collection of his works (1845). The death that he had long regarded as the only liberation came to him suddenly in a cholera epidemic in Naples.

      Leopardi's genius, his frustrated hopes, and his pain found their best outlet in his poetry, which is admired for its brilliance, intensity, and effortless musicality. His finest poems are probably the lyrics calledIdilliiin early editions of his poetry, among which isA Silvia.” One English translation of his prose works is James Thomson's Essays, Dialogues, and Thoughts (1905). Among many translations of Leopardi's poetry are R.C. Trevelyan's Translations From Leopardi (1941) and J.-P. Barricelli's Poems (1963).

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