Legionnaire disease

Legionnaire disease
Type of pneumonia, first identified in American Legion conventioneers in 1976, 29 of whom died.

The cause was identified as a previously unknown bacterium, Legionella pneumophila, later revealed as causing earlier mysterious outbreaks at widely separated places. Usually, malaise and headache are followed by high fever and often chills, dry cough, shortness of breath, and pain, occasionally with mental confusion. Contaminated water (e.g., in water-distribution systems, humidifiers, and whirlpool spas) is usually suspected as the source. The disease is treated with antibiotics.

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      form of pneumonia caused by the bacillus Legionella pneumophila. The name of the disease (and of the bacterium) derives from a 1976 state convention of the American Legion, a U.S. military veterans' organization, at a Philadelphia hotel where 182 Legionnaires contracted the disease, 29 of them fatally. The largest known outbreak of Legionnaire disease, confirmed in more than 300 people, occurred in Murcia, Spain, in 2001.

      Typically, but not uniformly, the first symptoms of Legionnaire disease are general malaise and headache, followed by high fever, often accompanied by chills. Coughing, shortness of breath, pleurisy-like pain, and abdominal distress are common, and occasionally some mental confusion is present. Although healthy individuals can contract Legionnaire disease, the most common patients are elderly or debilitated individuals or persons whose immunity is suppressed by drugs or disease. People who have cirrhosis of the liver caused by excessive ingestion of alcohol also are at higher risk of contracting the disease.

      Although it is fairly well documented that the disease is rarely spread through person-to-person contact, the exact source of outbreaks is often difficult to determine. It is suspected that contaminated water in central air-conditioning units can serve to disseminate L. pneumophila in droplets into the surrounding atmosphere. Potable water and drainage systems are suspect, as is water at construction sites.

      Once in the body, L. pneumophila enters the lungs, where cells of the immune system called macrophages immediately attempt to kill the bacteria by a process called phagocytosis. However, L. pneumophila is able to evade phagocytosis and take control of the macrophage to facilitate bacterial replication. Eventually, the macrophage dies and bursts open, releasing large numbers of bacteria into the lungs and thus repeating the cycle of macrophage ingestion and bacterial replication. In some cases, this cycle of infection can lead to severe pneumonia, coma, and death.

      Measurement of Legionella protein in the urine is a rapid and specific test for detecting the presence of L. pneumophila. Treatment for Legionnaire disease is with antibiotics.

      Pontiac fever, an influenza-like illness characterized by fever, headache, and muscle pain, represents a milder form of Legionella infection.

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