Kuyper, Abraham

Kuyper, Abraham
born Oct. 29, 1837, Maassluis, Neth.
died Nov. 8, 1920, The Hague

Dutch theologian and politician.

After serving as a pastor (186374), he founded a Calvinist-oriented newspaper (1872) and was elected to the national assembly (1874). He formed the Anti-Revolutionary Party, the first organized Dutch political party, and built up a lower-middle-class following with a program that combined orthodox religious positions and a progressive social agenda. To provide Calvinist training for pastors, he founded the Free University at Amsterdam (1880), and in 1892 he founded the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands. As prime minister of The Netherlands (190105), he advocated a wider franchise and broader social benefits.

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Dutch theologian and statesman
born Oct. 29, 1837, Maassluis, Neth.
died Nov. 8, 1920, The Hague
 Dutch theologian, statesman, and journalist who led the Anti-Revolutionary Party, an orthodox Calvinist group, to a position of political power and served as prime minister of The Netherlands from 1901 to 1905.

      After serving as a pastor in Beesd, Utrecht, and Amsterdam (186374), Kuyper adopted the orthodox Calvinist views of Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer (Groen van Prinsterer, Guillaume). De Standaard, the newspaper Kuyper founded in 1872, became an organ for Groen's ideas. Elected to the States General (national assembly) in 1874, he became the leader of Groen's political group, expanding it to form the Anti-Revolutionary Party (1878), the first properly organized Dutch political party. A far more practical politician than Groen, he built up a large lower-middle-class following with a program combining orthodox religious views and a progressive social program.

      To provide a more thorough training in Calvinist doctrine for pastors, Kuyper founded the Free University at Amsterdam in 1880. After seceding from the Reformed Church (Hervormde Kerk) of The Netherlands (1886), which he viewed as overly aristocratic, he founded the Reformed Churches (Gereformeerde Kerken) in The Netherlands in 1892.

      In 1888 Kuyper formed a coalition of the Anti-Revolutionary Party and the Roman Catholic group led by Hermanus Schaepman, which gained power and ended the era of Liberal rule. An education act passed by the coalition in 1889 introduced the first state subsidies for parochial schools. Having returned to the States General in 1894, Kuyper formed a coalition in 1897 of the threechurchgroups: Catholic, Anti-Revolutionary, and Christian Historical parties, the last-named an aristocratic splinter group from the Anti-Revolutionaries. Becoming prime minister and home affairs minister in 1901, he mediated between England and the Boers during the South African War (18991902).

      Although Kuyper repressed the railway and harbour workers' strike of 1903, he also advocated a wider franchise and social benefits. “Private” (denominational) universities first received official recognition in his administration. After the victory of a Liberal coalition in the 1905 elections, Kuyper's political influence declined. He was a representative in the Second Chamber (190812) and then in the First Chamber until his death.

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