Kushan art

Kushan art
or Kusana art

Art produced during the Kushan dynasty (late 1st3rd century AD), in an area that now includes parts of Central Asia, northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

There are two major stylistic divisions among artifacts of the period: the imperial art of Iranian derivation, and the Buddhist art of mixed Greco-Roman and Indian sources. The former is exemplified by stiff, frontal portraits (including those on coins) emphasizing the individual's power and wealth. The second, more realistic, style is typified by the schools of Gandhara and Mathura art.

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also spelled  Kuṣāṇa 

      art produced during the Kushān dynasty from about the late 1st to the 3rd century AD in an area that now includes parts of Central Asia, northern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

      The Kushāns fostered a mixed culture that is best illustrated by the variety of deitiesGreco-Roman, Iranian, and Indianinvoked on their coins. At least two major stylistic divisions can be made among artifacts of the period: imperial art of Iranian derivation and Buddhist art of mixed Greco-Roman and Indian sources. The best examples of the former are gold coins issued by the seven Kushān kings, the Kushān royal portraits (e.g., the Kaniṣka statue), and princely portraits found at Surkh Kotal in Afghanistan. The style of Kushān artworks is stiff, hieratic, and frontal, emphasizing the power and wealth of the individual. There is little or no interest in the realistic rendering of anatomy or drapery, in contrast to the second style, which is typified by the Gandhāra and Mathurā (Mathura) (qq.v.) schools of Kushān art.

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