Kretschmer, Ernst

Kretschmer, Ernst
born Oct. 8, 1888, Wüstenrot, Ger.
died Feb. 8, 1964, Tübingen, W.Ger.

German psychiatrist.

In his best-known work, Physique and Character (1921), he attempted to correlate body build and physical constitution with character and mental illness, identifying three physical types
the pyknic (rotund), the athletic (muscular), and the asthenic (tall and thin)
and claiming that different psychiatric disorders were associated with each. His system was later adapted by the American psychologist William H. Sheldon (18991977), who renamed the types endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph and focused on their associated personality traits. Both theorists' work entered into popular culture and generated further research.

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German psychiatrist
born Oct. 8, 1888, Wüstenrot, Ger.
died Feb. 8, 1964, Tübingen, W.Ger.

      German psychiatrist who attempted to correlate body build and physical constitution with personality characteristics and mental illness.

      Kretschmer studied both philosophy and medicine at the University of Tübingen, remaining there as an assistant in the neurologic clinic after completing his studies in 1913. The next year, he published his dissertation on manic-depressive delusions, anticipating his later work in mental illness. He studied hysteria while a military physician during World War I, developing a treatment in which victims of battle hysteria were quieted in dark chambers and treated with electrical impulses. After the war, he returned to Tübingen as a lecturer and began writing books containing his psychological theories. His best-known work, Körperbau und Charakter (1921; Physique and Character), advanced the theory that certain mental disorders were more common among people of specific physical types. Kretschmer posited three chief constitutional groups: the tall, thin asthenic type, the more muscular athletic type, and the rotund pyknic type. He suggested that the lanky asthenics, and to a lesser degree the athletic types, were more prone to schizophrenia, while the pyknic types were more likely to develop manic-depressive disorders. His work was criticized because his thinner, schizophrenic patients were younger than his pyknic, manic-depressive subjects, so the differences in body type could be explained by differences in age. Nevertheless, Kretschmer's ideas to some extent entered into popular culture and generated further psychological research.

      Kretschmer left Tübingen in 1926, when he became professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Marburg. During this period, he produced Hysterie, Reflex und Instinkt (1923; Hysteria, Reflex, and Instinct, 1960), in which he suggested that the formation of symptoms in hysteria is initially conscious but is then taken over by automatic mechanisms and becomes unconscious, and Geniale Menschen (1929; The Psychology of Men of Genius, 1931). In 1933 Kretschmer resigned as president of the German Society of Psychotherapy in protest against the Nazi takeover of the government, but unlike other prominent German psychologists he remained in Germany during World War II.

      After the war, Kretschmer returned to Tübingen and remained there as professor of psychiatry and director of the neurologic clinic until 1959. He concerned himself with studies of physical constitution and mental illness in children and adolescents, developed new methods of psychotherapy and hypnosis, and studied compulsive criminality, recommending adequate provisions be made for the psychiatric treatment of prisoners.

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