
or Khensu or Chons

Ancient Egyptian moon god.

He was the son of the god Amon and the goddess Mut. He was usually depicted as a young man wearing a lunar disk and a rearing cobra on his head. He was also associated with baboons and was sometimes equated with Thoth, another moon god. In the late New Kingdom (с 1100 BC) a major temple was built for Khons in the Karnak complex at Thebes.

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Egyptian deity
also spelled  Khonsu  or  Chons 

      in ancient Egyptian religion, moon god who was generally depicted as a youth. A deity with astronomical associations named Khenzu is known from the Pyramid Texts (c. 2350 BCE) and is possibly the same as Khons. In Egyptian mythology, Khons was regarded as the son of the god Amon and the goddess Mut. In the period of the late New Kingdom (c. 1100 BCE), a major temple was built for Khons in the Karnak complex at Thebes. Khons was generally depicted as a young man with a side lock of hair; on his head he wore a uraeus (rearing cobra) and a lunar disk. Khons also was associated with baboons and was sometimes assimilated to Thoth, another moon god associated with baboons.

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