Kelly, William

Kelly, William
born Aug. 21, 1811, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.
died Feb. 11, 1888, Louisville, Ky.

U.S. ironmaster.

He purchased ironworks in Eddyville, Ky., and began experiments with an air blast to prepare pig for conversion to wrought iron. Because of the similarity of his apparatus to the first form of Bessemer converter (see Bessemer process), he was awarded a U.S. patent on the pneumatic steel process. There is no evidence that he made steel in any of his trials.

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American inventor
born Aug. 21, 1811, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.
died Feb. 11, 1888, Louisville, Ky.

      American ironmaster who invented the pneumatic process of steelmaking, in which air is blown through molten pig iron to oxidize and remove unwanted impurities. Also patented by Sir Henry Bessemer of Great Britain, this process produced the first inexpensive steel, which became the major construction material in the burgeoning industrial age.

      In the early 1840s, while on a buying trip for McShane & Kelly, a Pittsburgh dry-goods and shipping company in which he was a partner, Kelly became interested in the iron (iron processing) industry around Eddyville, Ky., and later persuaded his brother to join him in forming an ironworks. They bought an iron furnace and 14,000 acres of timberland and ore deposits; the Eddyville Iron Works prospered.

      With the gradual depletion of the timberland and the dwindling of carbon-free iron deposits, Kelly began searching for a more efficient means of refining pig iron. Aware that air drafts cause molten iron to glow white hot, he became convinced that air blown through molten iron not only would remove the carbon but also would cause the temperature of the molten mass to rise, making further heating unnecessary.

      Those around Kelly thought his scheme insane, and his father-in-law even had him examined by a doctor. But the physician's knowledge of basic science enabled him to see the value of his patient's scheme, and he became one of Kelly's strongest supporters.

      About 1850, after several failures, Kelly succeeded in producing iron and steel with his process, although the quality of the steel was still largely a matter of chance. He did not patent the process immediately but continued working on it.

      In 1855 Bessemer (Bessemer process) obtained an English patent, and the following year several American patents, on the pneumatic process. When Kelly heard of Bessemer's patents, he filed a priority claim and in 1857 received a U.S. patent superseding Bessemer's patents.

      Further innovations in steelmaking, notably by Robert Mushet of England and Goran Goransson of Sweden, made the pneumatic process practical. Before he went bankrupt during the panic of 1857, Kelly sold his patent to his father. In 1859 he renewed his experiments at the Cambria Iron Works, Johnstown, Pa., and by 1862 managed to find enough financial aid to enable him to build a steel plant in Wyandotte, Mich. Within two years he produced the first commercial steel using the Kelly process. In 1863 the Kelly Pneumatic Process Company was organized, and the following year a rival company using Bessemer's patents was organized in Troy, N.Y. Unable to achieve more than minimal success with their respective patents and processes, the two companies pooled their resources in 1866, and thereafter steel production expanded rapidly.

      Although he received some money from the Kelly Company, it was only after his patent was extended in 1871 that Kelly received significant remuneration for his invention.

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