June beetle

June beetle
or May beetle or June bug

Any insect of the genus Phyllophaga, belonging to a widely distributed, plant-feeding scarab beetle subfamily (Melolonthinae).

These red-brown beetles commonly appear in the Northern Hemisphere on warm spring evenings and are attracted to lights. Heavy-bodied, they are 0.51 in. (1.22.5 cm) long and have shiny wing covers. They feed on foliage and flowers at night, sometimes causing considerable damage. The larvae live in the soil, and can destroy crops and kill lawns and pastures by severing the grasses from their roots; they are considered excellent fish bait.

June beetle (Phyllophaga rugosa).

Harry Rogers

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also called  May beetle  or  June bug 
 any insect of the genus Phyllophaga, belonging to the widely distributed, plant-feeding subfamily Melolonthinae (family Scarabaeidae, order Coleoptera). These red-brown beetles commonly appear in the Northern Hemisphere during warm spring evenings and are attracted to lights. The heavy-bodied June beetles vary from 12 to 25 mm (0.5 to 1 inch) and have shiny wing covers (elytra). They feed on foliage and flowers at night, sometimes causing considerable damage. June beetle larvae, called white grubs, are about 25 mm long and live in the soil. They can destroy crops (e.g., corn [maize], small grains, potatoes, strawberries), and they can kill lawns and pastures by severing the grasses from the roots.

      Each female buries between 50 and 200 small, pearllike eggs in the soil. After three years of feeding on plant roots, the larvae pupate, emerging as adults in August or September, then burying themselves again for the winter. In the spring the adults emerge once more and feed on available foliage. Adults live less than one year.

      A natural enemy of the June beetle is the pyrgota fly larva (Pyrgota undata), which feeds on the beetle, eventually killing it. June beetle larvae are considered excellent fish bait. For information on the green June beetle (Cotinus nitida), see flower chafer.

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