Jacopo della Quercia

Jacopo della Quercia
orig. Jacopo di Piero di Angelo

born с 1374, Siena
died Oct. 20, 1438, Bologna, Papal States

Italian sculptor active in Siena.

He was the son of a goldsmith and wood carver. His earliest major work is the tomb of Ilaria del Carretto in Lucca Cathedral (с 140608). His most important commission for Siena was the fountain known as Fonte Gaia (140819) in the Piazza del Campo. He worked with Donatello and Lorenzo Ghiberti on reliefs for the baptismal font in the Baptistery in Siena (141730). His last and greatest work was the sculptural reliefs around the portal of San Petronio in Bologna (142530). In 1435 he was appointed supervising architect of Siena Cathedral. He elevated Sienese sculpture to a place of prominence and influenced subsequent Sienese painters. The greatest non-Florentine sculptor of the 15th century, he was a major influence on the young Michelangelo.

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Italian sculptor

born c. 1374, , Siena [Italy]
died Oct. 20, 1438, Bologna, Papal States

      one of the most original Italian sculptors of the early 15th century.

 About 1406 Jacopo carved the tomb of Ilaria del Carretto in the Cathedral of Lucca. The effigy and sarcophagus alone survive. In 1408, at Ferrara, he made the statue of the Virgin and Child, still existing in the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, and a year later he received the commission for the Fonte Gaia in the Piazza del Campo at Siena, now replaced by a copy; the original is in the loggia of the Palazzo Pubblico. The scheme of this celebrated and highly original fountain seems to have been repeatedly modified, the most effective work being done between 1414 and 1419. At the same time, Jacopo was engaged on the statue of an apostle for the exterior of the cathedral at Lucca, the Trenta altar for the Church of San Frediano in Lucca, and tomb slabs for Lorenzo Trenta and his wife. In 1417 he undertook to do two gilt bronze reliefs for the baptismal font in San Giovanni in Siena. Being a dilatory artist, he completed only theZacharias in the Temple,” the second being assigned to Donatello. His main work is the sculpture around the portal of San Petronio at Bologna. The 10 scenes from Genesis, including the creation of Eve (see photograph—>, 5 scenes from the early life of Christ, the reliefs of prophets, and the statues of the Virgin and Child with SS. Petronius and Ambrose give the sense of depth associated with the paintings of Masaccio.

      In 1435 Jacopo was appointed superintending architect of Siena Cathedral, for which he was employed on the decoration (unfinished) of the Cappella Casini. Jacopo is a mysterious and ambivalent artist, but he carried Sienese sculpture to its height and influenced subsequent Sienese painters.

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