Isaac, Heinrich

Isaac, Heinrich
born с 1450, Brabant
died 1517, Florence

Flemish composer.

He spent much of his career in Italy, especially Florence, but was known as a leading representative of the Netherlandish style. As court composer to Emperor Maximilian I (from 1497), he was allowed to travel. He had many students, including Ludwig Senfl, and his historical importance in Germany is as the main disseminator of the progressive Northern style there. The beauty and quality of his works, which include over 100 masses, dozens of motets, and secular songs, have led some to regard him as second only to Josquin des Prez among his contemporaries.

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Flemish composer
Isaac also spelled  Isaak  
born c. 1450, Brabant
died 1517, Florence

      one of the three leading composers (with Jakob Obrecht and Josquin des Prez) of the Flemish school in the late 15th century.

      A pupil of Florentine organist Antonio Squarcialupi, he taught in the household of Lorenzo de' Medici (Medici, Lorenzo de') in Florence (c. 148492) and set to music some of Lorenzo's own carnival songs. He apparently left Florence during the Medicean exile, entering the service of the emperor Maximilian I about 1494; in 1497 he was appointed court composer. Between 1497 and 1514 he travelled extensively, finally settling in Florence.

      Isaac's main publications were a collection of masses (1506) and the posthumous Choralis Constantinus (155055), one of the few complete polyphonic settings of the Proper of the Mass for all Sundays (and certain other feasts); it also contains five settings of the Ordinary. At least in part the work was commissioned for the diocese of Constance in 1508 and employs plainsongs unique to the Constance liturgy. Isaac left his great monument unfinished; it was completed by his pupil Ludwig Senfl.

      In his sacred music Isaac treats the cantus firmus (fixed melody) resourcefully, placing the chant in any voice or sharing it between two parts, either in long notes or embroidered with shorter notes. He also uses it as a thematic basis for composing contrapuntal imitations, a technique that came to dominate 16th-century music.

      He wrote about 40 secular songs. His Italian frottole (frottola) (simply accompanied songs) have charming treble melodies. His polyphonic German lieder normally present the tune in the tenor but, unlike many contemporary lieder, do not cadence into several sections. His famousInnsbruck, ich muss dich lassen” (“Innsbruck, I must leave you”) recalls the style of the simpler frottola. This song was later reworked as a chorale, “O Welt [“World”], ich muss dich lassen,” familiar through arrangements by J.S. Bach and by Brahms.

      His Missa carminum, motets from Choralis Constantinus, music for the court of Lorenzo de' Medici, and secular works Virgo prudentissima have been recorded.

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