
(12851415) Muslim state, central Ethiopia.

Flourishing in the fertile uplands, it was established through the conquests of a 13th-century ruler known as Walashma. It served as a buffer between the kingdom of Damot and the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia. Ifat was conquered by the Ethiopian king Amda Tseyon in 1328 and made tributary to Ethiopia. After a long series of revolts, it was destroyed in 1415 when it was annexed to Ethiopia.

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historical state, Ethiopia
      Muslim state that flourished in central Ethiopia from 1285 to 1415 in the fertile uplands of eastern Shewa. Toward the end of the 13th century a ruler whose dynastic title was Walashma gained an ascendancy over the Muslim kingdoms of eastern Shewa. By gradually winning over the newly formed states of Fatajar, Dawaro, and Bale and by subduing various Shewan and Afar regions, including the state of Adal, he finally succeeded in constituting the state of Ifat.

      Alternately subject to the pagan kingdom of Damot and to the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia and sometimes independent, Ifat becameas the northernmost of several Muslim statesthe buffer between them and sometimes suffered from the advance southward of Ethiopian authority. When its sultan, Hakk ad-Dīn, warring against the Ethiopian king Amda (Amda Tseyon) Tseyon, was conquered by him in 1328, Ifat was made tributary to Ethiopia. (At this time Ifat's dominion extended eastward to the port of Zeila.) Thereafter Ifat was continually in revolt against Ethiopia. It was finally destroyed in 1415, when its last attempt at independence under Sultan Sʿadad-Dīn was foiled by Yeshaq I of Ethiopia, who subsequently annexed Ifat to his kingdom.

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