Hughes, Ted

Hughes, Ted
orig. Edward James Hughes

born Aug. 16, 1930, Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire, Eng.
died Oct. 28, 1998, Devon

British poet.

The son of shopkeepers, he studied at Cambridge University. He married the American poet Sylvia Plath in 1956. His first volumes of verse were The Hawk in the Rain (1957) and Lupercal (1960). After Plath's 1963 suicide he wrote little for three years, then began publishing prolifically, often in collaboration with illustrators or photographers. His collections include Wodwo (1967), Crow (1970), Cave Birds (1975), Gaudete (1977), and Wolf Watching (1989). His most characteristic work emphasizes the cunning and savagery of animal life in harsh, sometimes disjunctive lines. He wrote many volumes for children (including The Iron Man, 1968) and edited the journal Modern Poetry in Translation. In 1984 he became Britain's poet laureate. Birthday Letters (1998), published shortly before his death, consists of revealing poems about his relationship with Plath.

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British poet
byname of  Edward J. Hughes  
born Aug. 16, 1930, Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire, Eng.
died Oct. 28, 1998, London

      English poet whose most characteristic verse is without sentimentality, emphasizing the cunning and savagery of animal life in harsh, sometimes disjunctive lines.

      At Pembroke College, Cambridge, he found folklore and anthropology of particular interest, a concern that was reflected in a number of his poems. In 1956 he married the American poet Sylvia Plath (Plath, Sylvia). The couple moved to the United States in 1957, the year that his first volume of verse, The Hawk in the Rain, was published. Other works soon followed, including the highly praised Lupercal (1960) and Selected Poems (1962, with Thom Gunn (Gunn, Thom), a poet whose work is frequently associated with Hughes's as marking a new turn in English verse).

      Hughes stopped writing poetry almost completely for nearly three years following Plath's suicide in 1963 (the couple had separated earlier), but thereafter he published prolifically, with volumes of poetry such as Wodwo (1967), Crow (1970), Wolfwatching (1989), and New Selected Poems, 19571994 (1995). In his Birthday Letters (1998), he addressed his relationship with Plath after decades of silence. He wrote many books for children, notably The Iron Man (1968; also published as The Iron Giant). Remains of Elmet (1979), in which he recalled the world of his childhood, is one of many publications he created in collaboration with photographers and artists. His works also include plays, such as an adaptation of Seneca's Oedipus (1968), nonfiction (Winter Pollen, 1994), and translations. He edited many collections of poetry, such as The Rattle Bag (1982, with Seamus Heaney). In 1984 he was appointed Britain's poet laureate.

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  • Hughes,Ted — Hughes, Ted. Full name Edward James Hughes. 1930 1998. British poet who served as poet laureate from 1984 to 1998. His work is noted for its symbolism, passion, and dark, natural imagery. * * * …   Universalium

  • Hughes, Ted — (1930 1998)    Born at Mytholmyroyd, West Yorkshire, the son of a carpenter, he was educated at Mexborough Grammar school and Pembroke College, Cambridge. He met Sylvia Plath there and they married in 1956. Plath committed suicide in 1963, as did …   British and Irish poets

  • Hughes, Ted — orig. Edward James Hughes (16 ago. 1930, Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire, Inglaterra–28 oct. 1998, Devon). Poeta británico. Hijo de tenderos, se educó en la Universidad de Cambridge. En 1956 contrajo matrimonio con la poetisa estadounidense Sylvia Plath.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ted Hughes — Nacimiento West Riding of Yorkshire, Inglaterra Defunción 28 de octubre …   Wikipedia Español

  • HUGHES (T.) — HUGHES TED (1930 ) Né à Mytholmroyd dans le Yorkshire, non loin de Haworth où avaient vécu les sœurs Brontë, marié à la poétesse Sylvia Plath qui s’est suicidée, Ted Hughes, un des plus grands poètes anglais du XXe siècle passa sa jeunesse entre… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Ted Hughes — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hughes. Ted Hughes Ted Hughes (Edward James Hughes, 17 août 1930 28 octobre 1998 …   Wikipédia en Français

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