Hugenberg, Alfred

Hugenberg, Alfred
born June 19, 1865, Hannover, Hannover
died March 12, 1951, Kükenbruch, W.Ger.

German industrialist and political leader.

As chairman of the Krupp family's industrial concern (190918), he built a huge newspaper and film empire and greatly influenced German public opinion during the Weimar Republic. As head of the conservative German National People's Party (from 1928), he contributed to Adolf Hitler's rise to power. In 1931 he formed an alliance of nationalist and conservative elements to topple the Weimar government; though his effort failed, large contributions from German industrialists aided the Nazi Party's growth. In 1933 he briefly served in Hitler's cabinet, but his party was dissolved that same year.

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German political leader
born June 19, 1865, Hannover, Hanover [Germany]
died March 12, 1951, Kükenbruch, W.Ger.

      German industrialist and political leader. As the head of a huge newspaper and film empire and a prominent member of the conservative German National Peoples' Party (German National People's Party), he exercised a profound influence on German public opinion during the Weimar Republic period (191833) and materially contributed to Adolf Hitler's rise to power.

      A businessman and cofounder of the nationalist Pan-German League, Hugenberg entered the Prussian finance ministry in 1903. From 1909 to 1918 he served as chairman of the board of directors of the huge Krupp industrial concern. From 1916 he built up enterprises that during the Weimar period came to encompass, among others, a significant share of Germany's newspapers, a wire service, and the UFA film company. An ambitious monarchist, Hugenberg joined the German National Peoples' Party in 1919 and became leader of its right wing, entering the Reichstag in 1920. As Germany's most powerful figure in the propaganda field, he launched vituperative campaigns against communism and social democracy as well as the Treaty of Versailles system and Germany's role in it. Hugenberg opposed the Pact of Locarno (Locarno, Pact of) (1925), which settled the western borders of Germany and hastened French withdrawal. As the leader of his party from 1928, he campaigned alongside the Nazis (Nazi Party) against the Young Plan of reparations. His uncompromising attitude led many of the Nationalists' more moderate elements to leave the party.

      Hoping to exploit Nazi successes at the polls for his own political ambitions, Hugenberg in 1931 formed the Harzburg Front, an alliance between nationalist, conservative elements and Hitler, to attempt to topple the government of Heinrich Brüning. He proved unable to manipulate the Nazis for his own ends, but the large contributions from German industrialists that flowed, after the Harzburg agreement, into Hitler's party treasury aided the Nazi Party's growth substantially. Entering Hitler's cabinet on Jan. 30, 1933, as minister of economy and food, Hugenberg still hoped to control the Nazisan illusion soon shattered. He resigned on June 26, 1933, and his party was dissolved. Although Hugenberg remained a member of the Reichstag until 1945, he had no further political influence.

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