Hudson, Henry

Hudson, Henry
born с 1565, England
died , after June 22, 1611, in or near Hudson Bay?

English navigator and explorer.

Sailing for the Muscovy Company of London in search of the Northeast Passage to the Far East, he was blocked by ice fields. In 1609 he set out in the Half Moon to find a similar passage for the Dutch East India Company, but, when stopped by storms, he instead sought the Northwest Passage, which he had recently heard about from other explorers, and cruised along the Atlantic coast and up the Hudson River. In 1610 he set out again for America, this time on behalf of the Muscovy Company and the English East India Company, and discovered Hudson Bay. Finding no outlet to the Pacific and in the close confinement of an Arctic winter, Hudson's crew fell to quarreling, and on the homeward voyage they mutinied and set Hudson adrift in a small boat, never to be found. His discoveries formed the basis for Dutch colonization of the Hudson River and for English claims to much of Canada.

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English navigator and explorer
born c. 1565, , England
died , after June 22, 1611, in or near Hudson Bay?
  English navigator and explorer who, sailing three times for the English (1607, 1608, 161011) and once for the Dutch (1609), tried to discover a short route from Europe to Asia through the Arctic Ocean (Northwest Passage), in both the Old World and the New. A river, a strait, and a bay in North America are named for him.

      Of Hudson's early life, nothing is known. Several Hudsons were associated with his sponsors, the Muscovy Company of London, a generation before his own time. A 1585 voyage by the English navigator John Davis, who sailed to the Arctic to make the first attempt to find a Northwest Passage from Europe to Asia, was planned in the home of a Thomas Hudson in Limehouse, now in the docks area of London's East End. Henry Hudson may have been present on that occasion and consequently developed a lifelong interest in Arctic exploration. It is certain that he was well informed about Arctic geography and that his competence as a navigator was such that two wealthy companies chose him to conduct hazardous explorations.

The search for the Northeast Passage
      In the spring of 1607, sailing for the Muscovy Company, Hudson, his son John, and 10 companions set forthfor to discover a Passage by the North Pole to Japan and China.” Believing that he would find an ice-free sea around the North Pole, Hudson struck out northward. On reaching the edge of the polar ice pack, he followed it east until he reached the Svalbard (Spitsbergen) archipelago. From there he extended explorations made earlier by the 16th-century Dutch navigator Willem Barents, who had also sought a Northeast Passage to Asia.

      A year later, the Muscovy Company again sent Hudson to seek a Northeast Passage, this time between Svalbard and the islands of Novaya Zemlya, which lie to the east of the Barents Sea. Finding his way again blocked by ice fields, he returned to England.

      Shortly after his return, Hudson was lured to Amsterdam to undertake a third northeast voyage under contract to the Dutch East India Company. While there, he heard reports of two possible channels to the Pacific across North America. One of these, said to be in about latitude 62° N, was described in the logbooks of a voyage made in 1602 by an English explorer, Capt. George Weymouth. The other, said to be in the vicinity of about latitude 40° N, was newly reported from Virginia by the English soldier, explorer, and colonist Capt. John Smith. Although his interest in a Northwest Passage had been aroused, Hudson agreed to return directly to Holland if his northeast voyage should prove unsuccessful.

      Hudson sailed from Holland in theHalf Moonon April 6, 1609. When head winds and storms forced him to abandon his northeast voyage, he ignored his agreement and proposed to the crew that they should instead seek the Northwest Passage. Given their choice between returning home or continuing, the crew elected to follow up Smith's suggestion and seek the Northwest Passage around 40° N. While cruising along the Atlantic seaboard, Hudson put into the majestic river that was discovered by the Florentine navigator Giovanni da Verrazano in 1524 but that was thenceforth to be known as the Hudson. After ascending it for about 150 miles (240 kilometres) to the vicinity of what is now Albany, N.Y., Hudson concluded that the river did not lead to the Pacific.

      On his way to Holland, Hudson docked at Dartmouth, Eng. The English government then ordered him and the English members of his crew to desist from further explorations for other nations. His log and papers were sent to Holland, where his discoveries were soon made known.

      Hudson now made ready a voyage to America to follow up Weymouth's suggestion. Weymouth had described an inlet (now Hudson Strait) where afurious overfallof water rushed out with every ebb tide. This phenomenon suggested that a great body of water lay beyond the strait. Hudson was confident that it was the Pacific Ocean. The British East India Company contributed £300 toward his voyage, and the Muscovy Company presumably furnished a like amount; Hudson's private sponsors included 5 noblemen and 13 merchants.

The voyage to Hudson Bay
 Sailing from London on April 17, 1610, in the 55-ton vesselDiscovery,” Hudson stopped briefly in Iceland, then proceeded to thefurious overfall.” Passing through it and entering Hudson Bay, he then followed the east coast southward, rather than striking boldly westward. Finding himself in James Bay at the southernmost extremity of Hudson Bay and with no outlet to the Pacific to be found, Hudson cruised aimlessly until winter overtook him.

      In the close confinement of an Arctic winter, quarrels arose. Hudson angered one of his crew, Henry Green, by first giving him a gray gown and then, when Green displeased him, taking it back and giving it to another. Some of his crew suspected that Hudson was secretly hoarding food for his favourites, and tempers flared when Hudson ordered the crew's own sea chests searched for extra victuals. Robert Juet, the mate, had been demoted, and he conspired with Green and others to mutiny. Once the homeward voyage had begun, the mutineers seized Hudson, his son, and seven others, casting them adrift in Hudson Bay in a small open boat on June 22, 1611. Although theDiscoverysailed home to England, neither of the ringleaders returned with her, having been killed, together with several others, in a fight with Eskimos. No more was ever heard of Hudson and his small party, although in 1631 to 1632 another explorer found the ruins of a shelter, possibly erected by the castaways.

      As a commander, Hudson was more headstrong than courageous. He violated his agreement with the Dutch and failed to suppress the 1611 mutiny. He played favourites and let morale suffer. In James Bay he appeared irresolute.

      Yet Hudson undertook four dangerous voyages, brought his crew through an Arctic winter, and preserved his vessels amid the dangers of ice and unknown shores. He was a competent navigator who materially extended the explorations of Verrazano, Davis, and Barents. His contribution to geographical knowledge was great, while his discoveries formed the basis for the Dutch colonization of the Hudson River and for English claims to much of Canada.

John Edwards Caswell

Additional Reading
G.M. Asher (ed.), Henry Hudson the Navigator (1860, reprinted 1963), provides the surviving journals of Hudson's four voyages, supplementary materials, and an important critical introduction. Llewelyn Powys, Henry Hudson (1927), is a good popular biography; it is supplemented by Donald S. Johnson, Charting the Sea of Darkness: The Four Voyages of Henry Hudson (1993). R.A. Skelton, Explorers' Maps (1958, reissued 1970), reproduces pertinent charts.

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