Honthorst, Gerrit van

Honthorst, Gerrit van
known as Gherardo delle Notti (Italian: "Gerard of the Night Scenes")

born Nov. 4, 1590, Utrecht, Neth.
died April 27, 1656, Utrecht

Dutch painter.

During 10 years in Italy (с 161020) he enjoyed the patronage of the nobility and assimilated the Baroque style of Caravaggio. The dramatic effects of artificial light in his early paintings, as in such nocturnal scenes as Supper Party (1620), earned him his nickname. He was court painter at The Hague from 1637 to 1652. Some of Rembrandt's early works were inspired by his use of chiaroscuro. With Hendrik Terbrugghen, he was a leader of the Utrecht school.

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Dutch painter
byname  Gherardo Della Notte  
born Nov. 4, 1590, Utrecht, Neth.
died April 27, 1656, Utrecht

      Dutch painter, a leading member of the Utrecht school influenced by the Italian painter Caravaggio.

 Like his slightly older contemporary Hendrik Terbrugghen, Honthorst first studied under Abraham Bloemaert in Utrecht. In about 1610 he moved to Italy, where he had leading nobles as patrons and assimilated Caravaggio's realism and dramatic use of artificial light into a personal idiom. Notable works of his Italian sojourn includeThe Beheading of St. John the Baptist” (S. Maria delle Scala, Rome), “Christ Before the High Priest” (c. 1617, National Gallery, London [see photograph—>]), and theSupper Party” (1620, Uffizi, Florence), all nocturnal scenes. Returning to the Netherlands in 1620, Honthorst stayed in Utrecht until 1627, the year of Rubens' visit to his home. He was dean of the Utrecht Guild of St. Luke in 162526, and in 1628 he worked at the court of Charles I in London. The rest of his life was spent primarily in The Hague and, after 1652, at Utrecht.

      Although Honthorst accepted commissions for decorative cycles and painted at least one illusionistic ceiling, his most significant contribution to Dutch painting was his joint leadership, with Terbrugghen, of the Utrecht followers of Caravaggio. Rembrandt's use of Caravaggesque devices in his early works derives in large part from his knowledge of Honthorst's paintings. Honthorst's brother Willem van Honthorst (15941666), who was also an accomplished painter, sometimes worked with him.

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