Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl

Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl
born Feb. 22, 1895, Trujillo, Peru
died Aug. 2, 1979, Lima

Peruvian political theorist and activist.

The son of wealthy parents, in 1914 he founded APRA, a left-of-centre reformist party. He ran for president repeatedly but was always thwarted by the military and other conservative forces. He spent much of his life in prison, exile, or hiding, influencing Peruvian politics through his underground activities and writings. See also indigenismo.

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Peruvian political theorist
born Feb. 22, 1895, Trujillo, Peru
died Aug. 2, 1979, Lima

      Peruvian political theorist and activist who founded and led the Aprista Party, which has been the vehicle for radical dissent in Peru since 1924.

      The son of wealthy parents, Haya de la Torre became a student leader and was deported in 1923 after leading a mass demonstration protesting the dedication of Peru to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In exile in Mexico City, he founded (May 7, 1924) the Popular Revolutionary American Party (Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana [APRA]), known as the Aprista movement. APRA was dedicated to Latin-American unity, the nationalization of foreign-owned enterprises, and an end to exploitation of Indians. Haya de la Torre returned to Peru to run as the Aprista candidate for president. Peru's oligarchy threw its support behind Colonel Luis M. Sánchez Cerro. After a hotly disputed election Sánchez Cerro was inaugurated, and Haya de la Torre was jailed until Sánchez Cerro was assassinated in 1933.

      From 1934 to 1945 Haya de la Torre lived in hiding in Peru but became widely known through his underground activities and writings. In 1945 APRA took the name People's Party (Partido del Pueblo) and threw its support behind José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, who won the presidential election. Haya de la Torre, nonetheless, then 50, really controlled the government. His supporters in the Congress, however, were unable to pass their reformist measures over the conservative opposition. In 1947 Bustamante outlawed the People's Party, and, after General Manuel Odría overthrew Bustamante (1948), Haya de la Torre took asylum in the Colombian embassy in Lima from 1949 until 1954, when he was allowed to go to Mexico. He remained there until 1957, when constitutional government in Peru was restored.

      In the 1962 presidential election Haya de la Torre was the Aprista candidate. Odría and Fernando Belaúnde Terry (Belaúnde Terry, Fernando) were his principal opponents. After a bitter and violent campaign and an indecisive electoral outcome, the contest was thrown to the Congress, in which the Apristas were the leadingbut not majorityparty. The army, however, was determined to prevent Haya de la Torre's victory, and it took over the government and annulled the election. New elections in June 1963 gave Belaúnde the presidency.

      Political parties were banned by the military junta that overthrew Belaúnde in 1968, but when a constituent assembly was elected in 1978 to write a new constitution, APRA was the largest party and Haya de la Torre was assembly president. Until his death, Haya de la Torre was his party's candidate for the election scheduled for 1980.

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