
Archaeological site, northern Iraq.

An ancient Mesopotamian town located south of Mosul, it was excavated in 194344 and was found to represent an advanced village culture that apparently spread throughout northern Mesopotamia. At Hassuna itself, six layers of houses were uncovered, each progressively more substantial. Vessels and pottery dating to с 56005350 BC were discovered. Similar wares found elsewhere in the Middle East show that even as early as the 6th millennium BC an extensive trade network existed in the region.

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ancient city, Iraq
      ancient Mesopotamian town located south of modern Mosul in northern Iraq. Excavated in 194344 by the Iraqi Directorate of Antiquities, Hassuna was found to represent a rather advanced village culture that apparently spread throughout northern Mesopotamia. At Hassuna itself, six layers of houses were uncovered, each progressively more substantial. Large clay vessels sunk into the ground were used for grain storage, and bread was baked in domed ovens. Characteristic of the so-called Hassuna period (c. 5750c. 5350 BC) was a large, oval dish with a corrugated or pitted inner surface that was probably used as a husking tray. Husking-tray fragments have been found from Eridu in southern Iraq to Ras Shamra on the Syrian coast. In addition, the upper levels at Hassuna contained numerous examples of a ceramic pottery termedSāmarrāʾ ware,” which seems to have been brought in or made by craftsmen who originally migrated from what is now Iran. These levels, occupied during the so-called Hassuna-Sāmarrāʾ period (c. 5350c. 5050 BC), are identified with a culture restricted to the area of the middle Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sāmarrāʾ pottery was remarkable not only for its new shapes but also for its bold and innovative use of elaborately painted motifs.

      The Hassuna and the Hassuna-Sāmarrāʾ finds demonstrated that even as early as the 6th millennium BC extensive trade was carried on throughout a large part of the ancient Middle East.

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