Gustav IV Adolf

Gustav IV Adolf
born Nov. 1, 1778, Stockholm, Swed.
died Feb. 7, 1837, Sankt Gallen, Switz.

King of Sweden (180009).

Son of the assassinated Gustav III, he came to the throne in 1792 under the regency of his uncle Charles, duke of Södermanland (later Charles XIII). In 1805 Gustav brought Sweden into the European coalition against Napoleon. When Russia joined with France in 1807, Gustav remained in the field, though he knew it would mean a Russian attack on Finland. Denmark-Norway also declared war on Sweden, causing the loss of additional territory. In 1809 Gustav was overthrown in a coup, and his heirs were declared ineligible to succeed him. He and his family left Sweden for exile, settling in Switzerland.

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king of Sweden

born Nov. 1, 1778, Stockholm, Swed.
died Feb. 7, 1837, Sankt Gallen, Switz.
 Swedish king whose intemperate foreign policy led to his overthrow in a coup d'état (1809) and the loss of the eastern part of Sweden and Finland.

      The son of the assassinated Gustav III, Gustav IV came to the throne in 1792 under the regency of his uncle Charles, duke of Södermanland.

      In 1805 Gustav IV brought Sweden into the European coalition against Napoleon. When Russia became allied with France through the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807, Russian tsar Alexander I tried to persuade Gustav to join the Continental System against Great Britain. The situation grew more dangerous when, also in 1807, Denmark-Norway declared war on Sweden, thus completely isolating it. Gustav refused to become allied with Russia, and France and Russia attacked Sweden in 1808. The war ended in 1809 with Sweden's surrender of Finland to Russia. . In these circumstances certain groups of liberal officials and officers in Sweden's western army arranged a coup d'état, and on March 13, 1809, the king was overthrown. His heirs being declared ineligible to succeed him, he and his family left Sweden for exile. Gustav finally settled in Switzerland under the name Colonel Gustafsson.

      History long regarded Gustav as an incompetent, stubborn, and sometimes mentally damaged figure whose foreign policy became a catastrophe. More recent analysis of his reign has been kinder, suggesting, for example, that his anti-French foreign policy was partly a consequence of Sweden's heavy trade dependence on Great Britain. Important economic reforms were also effected during his reign, such as the Act of Enclosure (1807).

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