
flourished с 11201140, France

French sculptor.

His most notable works are the tympanum sculpture of the western doorway of the Romanesque cathedral at Autun, depicting the Last Judgment, a masterpiece of expressionistic carving; a large-scale reclining nude Eve for the northern doorway; and some 60 carved capitals in the interior and doorways illustrating biblical scenes. His imagination was far-reaching, and his work had a lasting effect on the development of French Gothic art.

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French sculptor
French  Gislebert  
born 12th century
 French sculptor who made major contributions to the Cathedral of Saint-Lazare in Autun and to several Burgundian churches from 1125 to 1135.

      Gislebertus first worked at Cluny and by 1115 was probably one of the chief assistants to the Master of Cluny. In the Cluny workshop he contributed to the decoration of the Abbey of Cluny, where a few fragments of his work can still be found on the western doorway. Following his training at Cluny, Gislebertus traveled to Vézelay, where the early tympanum (decorated area within an arch or pediment) for the main doorway was once attributed to him. He arrived in Autun in 1125, with his artistic style firmly established. His early work there was on the eastern part of the church, which was finished and dedicated in 1130, and he then worked for four or five years on the west tympanum.

      Among Gislebertus' most noted works is the tympanum sculpture of the western doorway of the cathedral at Autun, depicting the Last Judgment. This work is noted for its expressionistic carving and technical proficiency; some of the figures are abstract in design, and the demon forms foreshadow 20th-century Surrealism. His sculpture for the northern doorway is a reclining, nudeEve,” a medieval masterpiece. Also at Autun the sculptor created 60 capitals in the interior and doorways, most of which illustrate biblical stories and reflect the artist's far-reaching imagination. Some of the capitals that depict Christ's infancy are gentle and tender, but the tympanum contains fierce and frightening scenes of judgment and damnation.

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