Ghent, Pacification of

Ghent, Pacification of
(Nov. 8, 1576) Declaration by which the northern and southern provinces of the Low Countries put aside their religious differences and united in revolt against the Spanish Habsburgs.

As the first major expression of national consciousness in The Netherlands, it called for the expulsion of Spanish troops from the Low Countries, the restoration of provincial and local prerogatives, and an end to the persecution of Calvinists. The Spanish governor soon resumed hostilities, however, and religious differences within the region caused a split in 1579 between the Calvinist north (the Union of Utrecht) and the Catholic south (the Union of Arras). The general union ended in 1584.

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Europe [1576]
      (Nov. 8, 1576), declaration by which the northern and southern provinces of the Low Countries put aside their religious difference and united in revolt against the Spanish Habsburgs (Habsburg, House of). The declaration was the first major expression of the Netherlands' national self-consciousness. The Pacification of Ghent called for the expulsion of Spanish troops from the Low Countries, the restoration of provincial and local prerogatives, and an end to the persecution of Calvinists (Calvinism) or anyone else for religious reasons. While the signatories did not abjure their allegiance to King Philip II of Spain, it was clear that they wished any reconciliation to be on their own terms. It was a document very much in line with William I of Orange's beliefs.

      The religious clauses of the pacification implicitly recognized the right of the largely Calvinist provinces of Holland and Zeelandthe centres of the military resistanceto order their own house as long as they did not attempt to advance their faith beyond their borders. The Catholic (i.e., southern) provinces, on the other hand, were to leave their Protestants unmolested.

      A new royal governor was allowed to assume his duties only after he accepted the pacification and ordered the Spanish troops out of the country (February 1577). Based on the pacification, organs of national government were reconstituted and reasserted. The Spanish governor, however, chafing at the limitations on his power, soon resumed hostilities, and Spanish troops reentered the provinces.

      This external threat to the prescribed union was accompanied by internal violations of the document's religious clauses. Calvinists, especially, forced their creed on large areas of Flanders and Brabant. Catholic faith in the union was thus seriously undermined. A further blow was the formation, in January 1579, ofcloser unionswithin the larger grouping. The Union of Arras, joining the southern provinces, based itself on a Catholic reading of the pacification and tended toward reconciliation with Spain; the Union of Utrecht joined the northern provinces for continued and improved resistance. The general union of the pacification was tenuously maintained until 1584, but by then its spirit had long since been vitiated.

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